NewsScope for April 16, 2012
by Michael WolfStar

The Chiron-Pluto Generation

Although Chiron has been in Pisces for over a year, the recent transits of Juno in Sagittarius and Mars in Virgo have brought out the most difficult facets of this placement. In general, the wounding associated with Chiron in Pisces comes from the deep feeling that life is unfair, that there is no God or spiritual truth. Those with planets activated by Chiron may sabotage their relationships (Juno) or lash out in rage and violence (Mars).

 Celebrity Chart

Those born between April 1960 and April 1968 have Chiron in Pisces natally, and the older cohort is currently going through their Chiron Return. The most famous example of this generation is President Obama, who like everyone else born around this time, has Chiron opposite Pluto. He expressed the inherent sense of injustice when this combination was activated on March 28, and he said "If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon."

The generation born with Chiron opposite Pluto carries an inner rage and powerful hostility. Chiron researcher Zane Stein* describes the source: "This hostility may come from being constantly thwarted by parents, or being the recipient of hostility from others in the environment." Those who don’t directly express anger may channel this dynamic into an intense need to win and to overcome any and all obstacles.

During their Chiron Return, those born in the early 1960s may re-visit their rage or become lost souls, feeling victimized by an uncaring universe. As astrologer Liz Greene* explains, the healing process can only begin when we disengage from our belief that life ought to fit a certain model. "It is our worldview that is being challenged by Chiron, so that the place to begin is with the holes and fissures in our belief system".

Bobby Petrino’s Self-Destruction

A NewsScope reader wants to know the astrology behind the firing of football coach Bobby Petrino. The Arkansas Razorbacks significantly improved their record and national standing under Petrino’s coaching over the last few years, but the married man and father of four was fired on April 10 for not disclosing an "inappropriate relationship" with Jessica Dorrell, whom he had hired on March 28.

 Celebrity Chart

Bobby Petrino was born with his Pisces Sun conjunct Vesta and Ceres (March 10, 1961; Lewistown, MT; time unknown), two asteroids which have shaped his professional career. The Sun-Vesta provides mental focus and devotion to his calling, while the Ceres influence adds paternal caring to the player-coach relationship. The Sun is also quincunx Uranus, which fosters unpredictable or impulsive behavior.

Petrino has several astrological signatures which enhance his coaching skills. Mars in Cancer is tenacious in defense and helps build a sense of family among team players. Mercury in Aquarius opposite Uranus has a genius for doing the unexpected. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn ambitiously builds an institution. But the coach was undone by challenging aspects to his Venus and Juno which manifested as a sex scandal.

Shortly after Petrino hired Dorrell, he had a motorcycle accident while she was riding with him. At the time, Petrino’s progressed Mars was at 27º Cancer and transiting Saturn was at 27º Libra – both adversely aspecting his natal Venus-Saturn square (Venus at 27Ari12 - Saturn at 27Cap07). Simultaneously, his Juno had progressed into his natal Chiron-Pluto opposition, which was activated by transiting Chiron at the time of the accident. This double whammy made him reckless to the point of self-destruction. Everyone born during 1961 and 1962 is experiencing this difficult Chiron return, but some are handling it better than others.

Juno Visits Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Last week, Brad Pitt’s manager confirmed that Angelina Jolie was indeed wearing an engagement ring. "It is a promise for the future and their kids are very happy," said the rep. "There’s no date set at this time." Why has the couple - who have been living together since filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith in 2005 - suddenly decided to consider a wedding?

 Celebrity Chart

The astrological answer can be found in the activation of Juno, the marriage asteroid. Brad Pitt (December 18, 1963; 6:31 am; Shawnee, OK) was born with a Juno-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio, a combination that places a premium on good sex before considering a serious commitment. Within 8 months, his progressed Midheaven will conjoin his Juno, which happens only once in a lifetime. Brad, who designed the ring, is obviously ready.

 Celebrity Chart

Angelina Jolie (June 4, 1975; 9:09 am; Los Angeles, CA) was born with a Sun-Juno conjunction, which naturally leans toward marriage. Conversely, her several Aries placements and an unusually prominent Uranus (square Venus and the Ascendant, trioctile her Sun) keep her highly independent of social expectations. However, by secondary progression, her Juno is in the family sign of Cancer and being awakened by the current Uranus-Pluto transit. She admits she’s doing it for the kids.

 Celebrity Chart

In their composite chart, Juno in duty-conscious Virgo trines Saturn, a very traditional set-up that has kept their relationship solid for years. Juno also squares Neptune and opposes the Pisces Moon, which adds much secretiveness as well as uncertainty about the couple’s real status. Currently, transiting Neptune is activating the Moon-Juno opposition, creating hope for a glamorous wedding. The dazzling diamond ring is a clear manifestation of this Neptune factor in Brad’s chart and their composite Juno.

* Chiron books: Zane Stein’s "A View from Chiron", and Liz Greene’s "Barriers and Boundaries".

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