NewsScope for August 19, 2013
by Michael WolfStar

Top Five Astro-Events for September

1. The New Moon in Virgo takes place on the 5th and is harmoniously linked to Jupiter in Cancer. This auspicious alignment is favorable for developing family ties over the coming month, and may help improve troubled or wounded relationships. With Ceres opposite Neptune, pay extra attention to toxins in the food supply. Good nutrition goes a long way toward improving well-being during this Virgo cycle.

2. Mars squaring Saturn on the 9th is an especially dynamic pairing leading to dangerous, aggressive, angry situations. In effect for the first two weeks of the month, this combination can lead to severe conflict, either expressed against others, or turned inward in fits of frustration, fear, and rage. Harmoniously expressed, progress over long-term resistance becomes possible. Competitive sports and challenging recreational activities are good outlets.

3. The long-term Saturn-Pluto sextile makes its third and final connection on the 21st, but is in effect all month. This pro-business pairing is especially favorable for those involved with large corporations. Expect a consolidation around the most powerful American enterprises as the strong buy out the weak. Those with natal placements aligned with this combination can expect steady but sure progress in business affairs.

4. Mercury activates a dynamic Lilith-Uranus-Pluto T-square from the 13th through 16th. Although Mercury is in diplomatic Libra, the stressful aspects to this T-Square lead to blunt opinions, outrageous statements, and for some, severe anxiety. For most people, Mercury here brings exceptionally agitated states of mind, which can lead to frank discussions, dark thoughts and/or moments of discovery.

5. Jupiter trioctiles (135º) Neptune on the 28th, and is in effect from the 22nd until the month’s end. This Jupiter-Neptune vibe can lead to mystical, transcendent experiences, or negatively expressed, delusions of grandeur, religious fantasies, and crackpot ideologies. This is a good time to meditate, tune into your dreams and intuition, and avoid dogmatic know-it-alls. Be at home in your own skin.

Jeff Bezos Buys The Washington Post

One week ago three mega-deal media transactions took place virtually simultaneously. The Boston Globe was sold to the owner of the Boston Red Sox, IBT Media bought the venerable Newsweek magazine, and founder Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post for $250 million. Although reporters referred to these concurrent deals as "coincidental", they were all formulated under the same dynamic astrological influences.

As previously described in NewsScope’s July 22 edition, the background set-up for this technological revolution is the U.S. progressed Sun squaring natal Uranus. This major astro-event will be exact on October 29, 2013, and becomes a growing influence between now and then. Faster moving transits can activate this progression, which creates real events that mirror its underlying significance. Since Uranus in Gemini is in the 8th house of corporations, it refers to leading-edge media businesses.

The U.S. progressed Sun is at 8º Pisces where it forms multiple aspects around the national horoscope. In addition to the upcoming square to Uranus, last week it was exactly conjunct natal Ceres in Pisces, and closely trine the Scorpio Ascendant, so that it illuminated this dynamic configuration. Last week when these deals were announced, a transiting Pallas-Jupiter conjunction at 8º Cancer completed a Water Grand Trine, smoothing the way for these media transitions.

 Celebrity Chart

Jeff Bezos (b. January 12, 1964; Albuquerque, NM; time unknown) made the most startling deal, and will theoretically be able to apply his internet savvy to the dwindling fortunes of America’s most prominent political publication. His progressed Mars (the action planet) is now at 8º Pisces, perfectly in line with the U.S. progressed Sun and natal Ceres in Pisces. Bezos is therefore seen as a savior (Ceres in Pisces) who is personifying (progressed Sun) America’s innate ability to reinvent itself (Scorpio Ascendant).

Government Shutdown Looms

We got an early warning of an impending crisis during President Obama’s press conference last Friday when he called Republican efforts to repeal the health care reform package an "ideological fixation". The current fiscal budget ends on September 30, and Tea Party members are threatening to block any temporary spending measure (i.e., shut down the government) if the budget contains any funding for Obamacare.

The political showdown happens to coincide with the interval when the U.S. progressed-Sun-square-Uranus reaches maximum influence. Uranus is naturally associated with political crises, and its position in the 8th house refers to national budgets. The last time the U.S. government had a major shutdown was in 1995 and Uranus was also involved: transiting Uranus conjoined the U.S. Pluto, the nation’s ruling planet.

Black Moon Lilith’s cycle is equally relevant. Lilith is now in Cancer and heading toward the U.S. Sun, becoming exact on October 5. Lilith takes a little over nine years to make one circuit, and nine years ago when she made her last conjunction with the Sun, President Bush was overhauling the CIA. That event resonates with the current NSA preoccupation. More to the point, one Lilith cycle earlier was when Newt Gingrich led his followers to the first major government shutdown in 1995.

The synchronized presence of Uranus and Lilith over the next two months suggests that Tea Party threats are more serious than puffed-up posturing. Another factor to consider is the New Moon on October 4 which activates the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square, further heightening any potential crisis. On the plus side, transiting Saturn is conjoining the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, which ushers in a practical, common-sense approach. Saturn may help avoid a shut down, but it won’t be pretty.

The Astrology of Major League Baseball

Following last week’s suspension of Alex Rodriguez and 12 other baseball players for using steroids, this week’s celebrity profile is on Major League Baseball. The MLB horoscope is set for the first game played on April 22, 1876 (Noon, Philadelphia). The tight Sun-Neptune conjunction in Taurus highlights Americans’ idealization of the sport as well as the scandals which have periodically disillusioned fans.

 Celebrity Chart

As comedian George Carlin notes, unlike the soldier mentality of football, "In baseball, the object is to go home, and to be safe, to be safe at home." This keen observation is supported astrologically by the MLB’s Sun-Neptune being exactly sextile the U.S. Venus in Cancer. The U.S. Venus in Cancer is about being safe at home, and about what we love: MLB carries a long tradition of being America’s favorite sport.

The MLB Uranus is stationary direct at 16º Leo, which happens to coincide with the U.S. horoscope’s Leo Midheaven. In this way, MLB became an exciting addition to American’s entertainment business on a grand scale. The U.S. Leo Midheaven is associated with Hollywood (think of the MGM lion), and the many enterprises that thrive on the American need to be entertained. If nothing else, baseball is Big Business.

The greatest baseball scandal took place in October 1919 when the Chicago White Sox threw the World Series. At the time, a transiting Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Leo was trine the MLB Moon in Aries, suggesting the hugely rewarding and successful fixing of the World Series. But over the next two years, as transiting Neptune went over the MLB Uranus (and the U.S. Midheaven), the full extent of the scandal was revealed.

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Last modified on August 19, 2013.