The Uranus-Eris Cycle
Uranus and Eris are both disruptive planets – put them together in assertive Aries, and you’re bound to find trouble on a large scale. Next year, these two planets will be conjunct twice (on June 8 and September 25), and within a one-degree orb between May and October. Those with natal or progressed planets between 22º and 24º of the cardinal signs will be most dramatically influenced by this conjunction.
Most astrologers are quite familiar with the eccentric nature of Uranus, but Eris is still a relatively new archetype since it was only discovered in 2003. Originally dubbed Xena, astronomers officially designated it Eris in September 2006. As Henry Seltzer describes in his groundbreaking book*, those with a prominent Eris "are those who, when they need to, make something happen at all costs, using a radical approach when necessary."
Donald Trump’s Saturn at 23º Cancer comes directly under the influence of the 2016 Uranus-Eris conjunction. Saturn, as the natural ruler of his business empire, is coming under severe pressure due to his caustic comments on a number of subjects -- most recently, his call to ban Muslim immigrants. Trump’s progressed Jupiter at 23º Libra is squaring natal Saturn, which tends to arouse numerous moral issues. It’s also in line with the upcoming Uranus-Eris conjunction.
The Republican Party horoscope (July 6, 1854; noon; Jackson, Michigan) features Jupiter at 23º Capricorn, perhaps representing the GOP brass who are currently worried about a brokered convention. When the GOP Convention meets on July 18, 2016, transiting Saturn in Sagittarius will be exactly opposing natal Saturn in Gemini, which certainly presents the possibility of a serious split. Transiting Neptune is simultaneously squaring natal Saturn, suggesting confusion and divided loyalties.
Paul Ryan for President?
Republicans are growing increasingly anxious. The one bright spot is Speaker Paul Ryan, who is deftly handling the Freedom Caucus, Nancy Pelosi, the budget crisis, and getting bills passed. To many Republicans, he’s the mature adult in the room. When we last looked at Ryan’s chart**, he was declining to accept the Speaker’s position, but eventually relented. Could he run for president in 2016?
Looking at the conditions of Ryan’s chart during the Republican Convention next July shows a surprising development, his progressed Midheaven is nearly conjunct natal Jupiter (orb: 1º). This auspicious alignment certainly points to his elevation around the time when the Republicans are otherwise hopelessly split. Also, transiting Jupiter near his Midheaven similarly points to his superior status. The transiting Uranus-Eris conjunction opposes his Libra Moon, perhaps making him a surprise entry.
The problem is that Ryan has no natal or progressed planets aspecting the U.S. Moon at 25º Aquarius, meaning, he would get little traction among national voters. His tenth house Pluto trines the U.S. Pluto, so he could get plenty of cash from party donors. Ryan’s natal Saturn, his progressed Mars and Part of Fortune, and transiting Uranus-Eris are all in his fifth house of children, which is where his attention is when he’s not playing at politics.
However, in 2020, his kids will be mostly self-sufficient, and his progressed chart is showing powerful connections to the U.S. horoscope. In 2020, his progressed Midheaven will be at 8º Scorpio – right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. At this position, it squares his natal Sun-Pallas conjunction. And his progressed Pallas (the political strategy asteroid) will be at 25º Aquarius, right on the U.S. Moon! If Ryan listens to this astrological advice, he will wait until 2020.
The Frank Sinatra Centennial
As the creative genius behind "The Great American Songbook", Frank Sinatra is more impressive than ever. His songs, films, and colorful personal life made him a national icon, and now, 100 years after he was born, a variety of new and re-packaged products are being released. As one critic noted, Sinatra was "the fixed star in the crowded sky of American popular culture."
Sinatra was born with his Sun in adventurous, free-spirited Sagittarius (December 12, 1915; 3:00 am; Hoboken, NJ), with the closest aspect being a square to expansive Jupiter.*** The Sun-Jupiter square is noted for its larger-than-life persona, one that has an exaggerated sense of self-importance. In Sinatra’s case, with the Sun also squaring Chiron and opposing Black Moon Lilith, the ego became hyper-inflated to compensate for miserable childhood conditions.
Sinatra’s self-confidence, his swagger, is fueled by his well placed Mars in Leo. Mars dominates this chart by being in the tenth house where it sextiles his Libra Ascendant and trines his Sun. Mars here insists on doing it his way, and thrives on being the center of attention, whether that be as the king of the Rat Pack, the manic focus of the bobby soxers, or the CEO of his own record label.
Pluto in Cancer is a key planet since it’s part of a Grand Trine linking the Ascendant and Pisces Moon. Pluto here is empowering, giving the singer charisma and emotional depth that listeners feel on a soul level. Pluto is located in the 9th house, where it suggests his Italian roots and connections with the Mafia. Currently, transiting Pluto is conjunct his Part of Fortune at 14º Capricorn, opposing the U.S. Sun, offering a re-birth of his legend. It’s also bringing new wealth to his family estate which stands to earn millions by celebrating his Centennial.
* The Tenth Planet by Henry Seltzer; published by The Wessex Astrologer, 2015.
** See NewsScope for October 12, 2015
*** See also NewsScope for November 1, 2010
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Last modified on December 14, 2015.