War and the U.S. Progressed Venus
In recent years, the U.S. has become involved in numerous "low intensity conflicts", a euphemism for small-scale wars. The need for the world’s dominant superpower to use restraint in its policing actions has kept the U.S. out of a major conflict since Bush (43) invaded Iraq in 2003. However, this seems likely to change next year due to a major war cycle kicking in.
Normally we consider Venus to symbolize diplomacy, peace accords, and living in harmony. However, uniquely in the U.S. Scorpio Rising chart, Venus is associated with a consistent war cycle. In my book Political Astrology (published in 2005), I outlined this war pattern: "When Scorpio is the Rising sign, Taurus is on the seventh house cusp of ‘open enemies’, and Libra is on the twelfth of ‘hidden enemies’."
This makes Venus the ruler of America's enemies, both open and secret. Since the beginning of the 20th century when Teddy Roosevelt shaped the U.S. military into a global power, the U.S. progressed Venus aspects to natal Pluto have consistently corresponded to major wars. Whenever the U.S. progressed Venus is at 27º of any sign, it aspects the U.S. Pluto.
"Progressed Venus was semi-sextile Pluto on Aug 2, 1917 at the outset of the World War I, conjunct Pluto on Sept 2, 1941 (WWII), semi-sextile Pluto on the other side on March 3, 1966 (Vietnam) and sextile Pluto on March 25, 1991 for the Persian Gulf War. The next major progressed Venus-to-Pluto aspect will be the square, a truly difficult aspect, and this one will be exact in 2017."
Three Indicators for War in 2017
Last week, we looked at two major astro-events indicating that the U.S. is heading into turbulent times: the U.S. progressed Midheaven opposite natal Saturn, and the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017. Then, the U.S. progressed Venus squaring natal Pluto on July 11, 2017 suggests that the next major war is on the horizon. Collectively, these three astro-events raise a huge red flag.
Transiting Pluto and the U.S. progressed Mars are additional factors to consider when looking at a timeframe for a potential war scenario. Progressed Mars in the U.S. horoscope has been in the 12th house since the Reagan years, and has brought increases in terrorism, insane mass killings, and secret or "low intensity conflicts". Major outer planet transits to this progressed Mars (currently at 18º Libra) activate these kinds of headline news events.
Transiting Pluto is entering into a square with the U.S. progressed Mars, with the first exact hit coming on February 1, just after the next president is inaugurated. The second and third occasions of this astro-event will be on July 16, 2017 and December 4, 2017, but because Pluto moves so slowly, we can consider that the potential for extreme violence, terrorism, and major military operations will be in effect through all of 2017.
Astrologers generally look for three indicators to confirm a forecast. Looking ahead to 2017, we have at least three pointing to a major war. In addition to the progressed Venus war cycle and transiting Pluto squaring the U.S. progressed Mars, transiting Uranus in the 6th house of military service will be squaring the U.S. Pluto in 2017. The conjunction of transiting Uranus and progressed Venus as they both square the U.S. Pluto will take place on June 11, 2017 -- an explosive combination that will likely determine the shape of this war scenario.
The WWW and the U.S. Election
Humanity experienced a kind of collective awakening when the internet became widely available in the early 1990s. Astrologically, we associate this momentous evolutionary leap with the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of that era. One might pinpoint the actual date of the birth of the internet. On April 30, 1993 CERN administrators allowed Tim Berners-Lee’s WWW software to be available free of charge to the general public.*
A speculative time of 8:20 am is used to place 16º Gemini on the Ascendant – the same degree as Berners-Lee’s Gemini Sun. Mercury becomes this chart’s ruling planet and it’s placed in the pioneering sign of Aries where it squares the epic Uranus-Neptune conjunction. Berner-Lee’s humanitarian idea that the internet shouldn’t come under the control of corporate interests is shown by the elevated Vesta-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius.
However, innovative corporations quickly learned how to take advantage of the WWW, which led to the dot-com boom in the late 1990s. The tech-heavy NASDAQ reached its historic high on March 11, 2000 when transiting Uranus conjoined the WWW’s Midheaven at the same time that the progressed Sun squared the Midheaven. The NASDAQ didn’t hit bottom until October 9, 2002 when transiting Uranus was precisely conjunct natal Vesta and also conjunct the progressed Midheaven.
The lack of central control of the WWW has led to the proliferation of hackers. During last week’s Solar Eclipse at 9º Virgo, reports emerged that Russian hackers could invade U.S. elections systems and tip the results. The Eclipse opposed Neptune at 10º Pisces and also the WWW’s progressed Midheaven at 9º Pisces. On Election Day, transiting Neptune will be exactly conjunct the WWW’s progressed Midheaven. At the same time, the transiting Uranus-Eris conjunction will be squaring the WWW’s Uranus-Neptune conjunction, creating plenty of opportunity for major disruptions.
* For the background story, see http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-world-wide-web-became-free-20-years-ago-today/
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