Weekly NewsScope for July 29, 2002
by WolfStar

CEOs versus Enraged Public

In the latest round of corporate breakdowns, WorldCom filed the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history last week, and transnational giants AOL TimeWarner, J.P. Morgan, and Tyco came under scrutiny for a variety of alleged misdeeds. On Wednesday, the CEO of the cable company Adelphia was arrested for corporate fraud, and publicly hauled off in handcuffs.

These dramatic developments all arrived as transiting Jupiter opposed the U.S. Pluto, with the WorldCom bankruptcy occurring on the exact day of this astro-event. In the U.S. Scorpio Rising horoscope, Pluto is the ruler of the chart, and is ambitiously placed in Capricorn, and in the third house of telecommunications. Pluto here symbolizes the power of the plutocracy in American affairs.

The U.S. Moon in Aquarius is a fair-minded, humanitarian, and progressive force for democracy, and represents a significant push for more egalitarian social relationships. With transiting Uranus near the U.S. Moon, an underlying sentiment for revolution against the plutocracy is taking root. Last week Congress, the President, and numerous media stories highlighted the national mood to reign in greedy corporate executives.

Whenever the balance in the U.S. horoscope shifts toward Pluto, America's collective wealth becomes over-concentrated in the hands of a few. In the coming week, Jupiter heads into Leo and opposes Neptune in Aquarius. This polarity reflects the growing antagonism between arrogant CEOs (Jupiter in Leo) and those hoping for social equality (Neptune in Aquarius). As the election season draws near, we can expect more CEOs to be publicly humiliated for their financial extravagances.

Dick Cheney Off the Ticket

The former CEO of Halliburton, Vice President Dick Cheney, came under more political pressure last week to explain a $445 million questionable accounting detail, a practice sanctioned by Halliburton's financial auditor Arthur Anderson. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating the Vice President's role. Its chairman, Harvey Pitt, himself a former lawyer for Arthur Anderson, said that no one is above the law.

 Celebrity Chart
Cheney was born a team playing Aquarius (January 30, 1941; 7:30 pm; Lincoln, NE) with his Sun right in line with the pending Jupiter-Neptune opposition. Neptune, the natural ruler of scandals, has been hovering around Cheney's Sun for over a year now, and corresponds to the growing list of political intrigues levied against him.

Neptune transits to the Sun often indicate a weakened vitality and can lead to ill health. When Neptune comes to the Sun, the individual feels like escaping or retiring. For the workaholic Cheney, retiring doesn't fit his temperament, so circumstances (scandal) may force the issue. One of the key indicators here is his Juno, located right on his Virgo Ascendant. Juno refers to his partner, which in his professional life is the President.

Using the technique of secondary progressions, Cheney's Juno is squaring his Uranus. This points to a broken partnership. Transiting Uranus is also giving a similar message, underscoring the interpretation. In March 2003, Uranus enters Pisces and continues forward to enter Cheney's seventh house of partners. Around this time it seems likely to become public knowledge that he won't share the ticket with Bush in the 2004 Presidential election.

Allen Iverson, Troubled Superstar

NBA star Allen Iverson appeared before the judge last week to answer charges that he stormed into his cousin's apartment and threatened two men with a gun while he was looking for his wife. The July 3 incident is only the latest scrape with the law for the mercurial, three time scoring champion, but lawyers familiar with the case say he's not likely to serve any time.

 Celebrity Chart
Iverson was born a quick-witted Gemini (June 7, 1975; Hampton, VA; time unknown) with his Moon exalted in Taurus. Ceres, the care-taking asteroid, is also located in Taurus, and the two are enhanced by a sextile to patriarchal Saturn in family-oriented Cancer. The Taurus Moon is a magnet for wealth and a comfortable home, and when linked with these planets explains how he has come to support 33 members of his extended family and friends.

Iverson's bravado and volatile temper can be seen in the network of dynamic aspects to his fiery Mars. Given natural courage and spontaneous drive by being in impulsive Aries, Mars is further strengthened by a conjunction with Jupiter. However, his Mars is opposite Pluto and square Saturn, a highly confrontational blend that ensures he will always find difficult challenges.

With his Sun conjunct the partnership asteroid Juno, he praises his wife Tawanna; "She's helped me so much, more than you can imagine, just helping me become the person I am and the player." But with transiting Saturn and Pluto recently aligning with his Sun-Juno, they've become antagonistic. Saturn has moved on, but Pluto remains in a long-term opposition, indicating that he must radically reform his act, or lose his wife and basketball career.

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Last modified on July 29, 2002.
