AstrolDeluxe User Testimonials

I've been using John Halloran's software since 1995, quite awhile before it was a full blown report writer. I bought [brand S] at the same time but I didn't find it as easy or as fun to use. I never upgraded [brand S] but I've always upgraded AstrolDeluxe, despite the fact that three of the four professional astrologers I've consulted with (all well known members of the AFA) tried to convince me to use [brand K]. The only one that didn't try to convince me to use [brand K] knew John, and told me his program was excellent (after all, John is a Capricorn).

My clients have always been absolutely delighted with the reports I've given them. They're awed by the accuracy and they love the color graphics. I have all of John's professional interpretation programs. I just received the program for aspect patterns and I'm completely blown away by how accurate the descriptions are. "I find the descriptions of my three aspect patterns to be 99.9% dead-on. It's like you've lived inside my body and experienced my life."

I love John's hands-on approach to support. When I first called for support many years ago, I wasn't expecting to actually get John on the phone. I just assumed I'd get the usual technical support you get when you call a support phone number. John has personally helped me many times, both by phone and email, even when the problem turned out to be a problem with my operating system and not his software.

I truly believe that AstrolDeluxe is the best astrology software you can buy. I've spent quite a bit of money over the past 13 years, but John's programs and support are worth far more than what I've spent.

Don't waste your money on other programs. You'll be sorry you did, and you'll be absolutely delighted when you buy AstrolDeluxe.

Kathie (Los Angeles)
Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising

I have been using Halloran's astrology software since 1996. The program keeps getting better with each upgrade! I am really impressed with the new option to generate a report for aspect patterns as this feature further helps individualize interpretation reports. I practiced using this option with my natal chart to start with, and I really like the interpretation report. Good job and thanks for providing this option!

Deanna Sava
Buffalo Grove, IL

Dear Mr. Halloran,

I want to make a statement about the Solar Return Software.

It is so superior to the [brand K] software for solar returns.

The forecast delineated by Anthony Louis is so accurate and precise it was amazing.

I am truly satisfied with the Solar Return Reports and the insights I can now depend on for the year.

The best I've ever had. Just exceptional. Very easy to understand.

J. Kathy Knebels
Newtown, PA

I've just recently met another very serious Astrology hobbyist, so I'm giving your site info to her, as we were discussing her need for a GOOD software program to run charts. Yours is the best I've ever used or reviewed, BAR NONE. Every professional astrologer I've come into contact with uses YOUR software to calculate their clients charts. Thought you'd like to know! :)

Melissa Troyer

Hi John,

Thank you so much for your prompt service once again. The program arrived this morning - already loaded into the system. Just amazing. I feel like my life is complete again now I have this back.

Your programmes still amaze me with the ease to navigate. I suppose we tend to take this for granted when we have had the pleasure of working with your software for over 15 years.

Amanda Hall and Jack Egerton,
Subject: You are great!

Thank you for shipping our order so quickly. Linda's birthday is not until March 27th. I was hoping she would get her Report Writer early so she could be looking at her solar return before that. She did. Your shipment only took 2 days to go coast to coast. I installed it on Saturday and she started using it right away. I was amazed at how quickly she was in the middle of it. I was also very impressed that all of her data from Astrology for windows 2.3 automatically got imported into Report Writer 6.3. She is really enjoying her new program. Thanks again!

I should add that she said your program is really intuitive and easy to use. Nice talking to you!

Mark and Linda Lambert

I've installed AstrolDeluxe 6.3 and I'm very pleased with its new features. Please, keep me informed on any new release.

I've tested many other astro programs. AstrolDeluxe is surely the best one, even in order to its price.

Alessandro Cantelli
La Spezia - Italia
Bravo John,
You have now answered my inquiries completely on Planet Strengths and the practical usage of the quadwheel. I will go to the website and look at the News section and get educated.
Thanks again, you are certainly a good Capricorn, a very practical and noble business man.

"Mario G. Cucuzella",

[Version 6.2] arrived and I am enjoying it enormously - you have done some very good things since Version 4 which was the last that I had received. Thank you for a chart that can be used for rectification - and I still say what I have been saying for years - your programs are the best!

Kt Boehrer

(sadly, Kt passed away in January, 2004, but not before John kept his word to her and programmed her copyrighted Boehrer Declination Graph feature in version 6.2 of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter)

Kt wrote about this in October, 2003,

You are wonderful!!! It is perfect!~!




> Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 20:23:43 -0800
> From: "Kt Boehrer"
>Subject: GOOD NEWS
>I just received John Halloran's superb program for my declination chart that I love the best. It is vunderbar!! you can see both longitude and declination at a glance! It is actually better than I knew.
>John's ability and expertise are impressive - how he does it simply blows my mind! 'scuze me for fizzling!! Kt
>PS Contact John for purchasing info. I don't do money - I only spend it. Kt

I received my copy of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter yesterday. This is my first exposure to "professional" astrology software, so I don't have much to compare it to, but I am totally blown away by your software. I avoided some of your competitors because I was frankly turned off by all the overly flashy screens that look like web sites (are they productivity apps or games?) and some of the ooey-gooey new-age crap-a-rooni reports made me want to poke my eyes out with a crystal. I want to do astrology and your software helps me do that! 'nuff said.

But anyway... the main reason I'm writing is that I've seen reference in the software and on the printed order form for Kid Zone child natal reports, but I don't see it listed on the on-line order form. Are these available? I would like to order them if they are.

Thank you for writing no-nonsense software that works!!

Carl Miller

[Carl has a 10-year career background in Information Technology; his message implies that he liked the five interpretation reports that he got with the program. The Kid Zone reports can now be ordered through this web site.]

Dear John,
I spent most of yesterday visiting AstrolDeluxe for Windows Version 6.1. I really don't know how you do it John. I've briefly used three or four well-known programs which are much more expensive than yours, and AstrolDeluxe equals and/or surpasses them.
All of the improvements are a big help. I particularly like the new Graphics Aspect Chart. The bullets help so much in identifying the aspects between planets.
I really feel that I owe you a thank you for providing a remarkable astrological program that I can afford.
Once again, John, please accept my thanks for all of the time, work and talent you have put into AstrolDeluxe.
Your friend,
Dick Green
Have been using Astro Deluxe and report writers for a couple of weeks. Thank you for providing such quality astrology software at such an affordable price. Tried both [brand K] and [brand S]. Your effort is equal if not superior in most regards. AstrolDeluxe is very pragmatic and is not encumbered by the somewhat superfluous frills of the programs mentioned. I look forward to many years of enjoyment with your outstanding product.
thanks again,
Dave Walsh

I really love your program. I have AstrolDeluxe Report Writer, Version 5.0. It is so clear and easy to decipher that I end up using it more frequently than the other more expensive programs I have purchased.

Thanks again, Christine

Dear Mr. Halloran,

I just wanted to send a note to thank you for the excellent astrology program you have put together. We have AstrolDeluxe 5, plus the natal report writer, transits and progressions. We are delighted with the ease and simplicity of using your programs. We are additionally impressed with the latest update - both the notification and ease of installation. Just wanted to let you know that it has been one of the most simple programs to own and we appreciate your efforts in making it that way.


Joe and Dolphina Nagle
Dolphina Glende/Joe Nagle

Your AstroDeluxe ReportWriter Program is a very beautiful and elegant program and I am very excited to have and use it. It continues the Excellent work that you do and have done over the years. It is very appreciated and valued!!!


Robert LeClaire

Dear John,

I've been meaning to tell you how much I love the new features on Version 5 of AstrolDeluxe. My favorite feature is the instant Rectification Menu. That alone was worth the upgrade!

My other favorite new features include:

Swap Inner/Outer Charts on Double Wheel
Ephemeris Generator
Triple Wheel
and all the search features you've added.

I wanted you to know that your hard work has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. I love this new version of AstrolDeluxe!

I think it's the best thing on the market. Couldn't live without it!

Thanks again,

Diane Zeines

Hi John! Just wondered if you received my order for the Careers Reports module. If my order did not go through, I'll reorder. By the way, I'm still very impressed with the rock solid way you've made all these things work with each other. You've done an admirable job of structuring. But that's what Saturn is good at, isn't it?
Scott Groce

From: "Julia Pissano" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 01:54:49 -0000

AS the saying goes here: "estoy m?s contenta que perro con dos colas" (I?m happier than a two-tailed dog). I might even need a third tail to wag, because I received the program last tuesday, and I have already converted my old files PLUS tried several of the new features (composite charts, Lilith and Chiron placements and so on) As I have expected, you delivered the goods. Thank you very much!!
Looking forward to future business with your firm,
regards. J.

Attention: Ordering department (Halloran Software),

I have your "AstrolDeluxe Report Writer" with "Personal Path" & "Journey Progressions" programs. I am very satisfied with this original software which I have already received. I would now like to order the "Journey Careers"(tm) Report.

Jennifer Sindorf

Dear John,
I must say I am extremely happy with your program. I have never seen such speed and accuracy on all the modes available, and the clarity and layout of the chartwheels and tables really make working with this astrology tool very efficient and pleasant. I have never found any other program in the German-speaking astrology world either to come even anywhere near this program in its scope. I am looking forward to your future additions and developments. Please keep up the excellent service you provide.

David Evans, Vienna, Austria

John, I just want to tell you how pleased I am with the software I purchased from you. It makes sense to a beginner like me! I've already been able to help some of my friends with nice natal interps.

[a month later]
I continue to be pleased with everything I've purchased from you. I've just begun work with the StarMatch software you sent 2 weeks ago. I love to use the interps as a basis for my consulting help to my friends and then add the "personal messages" I am lucky enough to receive to modify those interps. I can't believe how they open me up to that help we all need sometimes. I've always known astrology has worked for me personally and through your software I've found my way to help the ones I love.
Thanks, Gary.

Gary Massey

A note of thanks to you and your staff for getting the "goods" to me pronto. I got it all in this weekend. I have tested just about everything at this point, and I can only say WOW.

My congratulations to you on an excellent product. This is something I could only dream of back when I started studying astrology over two decades ago! Whether this be for commercial or private use, the insights provided by Halloran Software will undoubtably impact and assist even the greatest skeptic in their own understanding of themselves and the energies around them!

Thanks again.

Jan H. Taylor, Sales Manager
Siemens Information and Communication Networks

Dear John,

As a student and hobbyist astrologer, I have had the privilege of using your software practically from its inception. As the most well-rounded, concise, user-friendly software out there (and I have tried them all from "Expert Astrologer" through Winstar), AstrolDeluxe is the only program I use for my family and friends. Perhaps the most valuable feature in the report writing software is the direct messages which accompany the detailed planetary activity---your few concrete words do a much better job than flowery sentences designed to be vague to help the seeker "get the message". As most of us admit, the hardest people to read for are those we love and your reports make the message understandable and applicable without our natural defense mechanisms getting in the way of our understanding. So, thank you John for all the hard work, inspiration and persistence---as well as always being there with a helpful response when my impatience, lack of computer skills, and astrological ignorance get in the way of your program.
Martha Humphreys


I remember when I ordered my first simple chart program from you. It was the beginning of a pleasant journey. Over the years I have added and upgraded the programs as you made improvements. This month I received my updates (4.1). I really like the addition of Chiron.

Whenever a new student asks me what to purchase, I send them to Halloran Software. It is a good way for them to get started and the student can add programs and upgrades as he/she develops skills and understanding.

Your programs are user-friendly and I can customize the appearance of the report without a lot of fuss. I also find the reports easy for non- astrologers to read and understand. I am looking forward to any new programs or additions you offer.

Dian Bustillo

After searching for and examining many different software report programs, I am delighted to have found John Halloran's AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter. It is an information source that not only gives what it promises--it gives more! As not the most advanced of voyagers in cyberspace and computerland, it is very reassuring to know that John himself is on the other end of the technical support line, offering his help and counsel. My highest recommendations.

Alan Oken

Dear John

Having had time to go over AstrolDeluxe, I have to say that it is a brilliant program. Simple and effective. I have Solar Fire 3 and I must say that AstrolDeluxe is a clear winner over Solar Fire 3. The chart conversion from SF3 to AstrolDeluxe is simple and quick and using it with Astrodynes is simply superb. With Astrodynes it really is an unbeatable combo to use in Astrological Research.


I want to begin by saying that I am more than happy with my new AstrolDeluxe program. In fact, I LOVE IT!!! the charts look great, the amount of information the program can generate is astounding, the Atlas is incredible, and I'm VERY happy with the FontMapper, which makes exporting tables much nicer. I couldn't have asked for a better value.

Sincerely yours,
Philip Covitz


I've been using your software for quite a while now -- the Report Writer, and several modules -- and it's past time to write a note of appreciation. You've produced fine software and it's a pleasure to use it. It's clean, quick, efficient, non-crashy, and answers about 95% of my needs. I have Winstar, so I have a good basis of comparison and I far prefer your product. In fact, I recently went so far as to uninstall Winstar entirely! I'm glad to know that you're producing a 32-bit version of your program but I hope you don't overcomplicate it and thus duplicate the mistake of other vendors. The great virtue of your program is its usability. Please don't sacrifice this by adding a lot of new features that will overcomplicate the software. Better that it stay just as it is!

Thanks again.



Last modified on July 6, 2009.