NewsScope for December 1, 2014
by Michael WolfStar

National Candidates and the U.S. Moon

A reader asks, "When looking at politicians' charts, what orb do you suggest for contacts to the U.S. Moon?" For candidates running for national office, having a tight connection to the U.S. Moon at 25º28’ is essential to connect with the voters, and 1/2º orb or less is best. Hillary Clinton’s Uranus at 25º55’ Gemini makes a harmonious trine to the U.S. Moon with an orb of 0º27’ and is just within this range.

 Celebrity Chart

Obama makes the grade with his Uranus at 25º16’ Leo, giving an orb of only 0º12’. In 2008 the candidates ran against each other, when nominating either one would have brought an exciting, historic change (Uranus) from the status quo. Obama’s Uranian connection to the U.S. Moon is much tighter, and this may have been the critical factor in pulling off the upset.

 Celebrity Chart

McCain’s birth time is unknown or suspect, but he does have Ceres at 25º09’ Scorpio. And during the 2008 campaign, his Jupiter had progressed to 25º13’ Sagittarius. Romney’s Pallas at 24º00’ Aquarius is really too wide to count, but during the 2012 election, his progressed Sun was at 25º30’ Taurus. The challenging aspects do not negate the candidacy, but suggest the changes they bring to the American landscape.

About the 2016 campaign, if the candidate has no link to the U.S. Moon, he or she won’t make the cut. Chris Christie is a prime example, since he has no planets at 25º of any sign, either natally or by secondary progression. Jeb Bush (February 11, 1953; 8:50 pm; Midland, TX) has no natal planets at 25º, but in 2015 his progressed Midheaven is at 25º Leo and his progressed Sun is at 25º Aries. Unfortunately, these progressions advance one degree in 2016, and lose their connections to the U.S. Moon, making him a false hope.

Firestone’s Deal with Liberia

Frontline’s documentary "Firestone and the Warlord" revealed the secret history of Liberia and its partnership with the giant rubber company. In West Africa, the practice is widely referred to as "neo-colonialism", but in the United States, many Americans watching the sad but gripping story realized for the first time how much an international corporation can control the destiny of an entire nation.

 Celebrity Chart

Firestone was incorporated on August 3, 1900 (12 noon; Akron, OH) when the Sun in imperious Leo was supported by trines to Jupiter and Uranus in the adventurous, expansive, cosmopolitan sign of Sagittarius. Mars plays the key role in this chart: it’s the co-ruler of the Scorpio Ascendant, and placed in the transportation sign of Gemini. Firestone makes the tires that carry American automobiles.

Mars is under tremendous developmental stress by conjoining Pluto and Neptune, opposing Saturn, and squaring Black Moon Lilith. Mars is also exactly trine the U.S. Moon, indicating how its products meet consumer demands. On December 7, 1926, it forged a contract with the Liberian government that gave it control of 10 percent of the nation’s arable land to make rubber plantations. Transiting Uranus was exactly square natal Mars at the time.

Also, transiting Pluto was conjunct progressed Mars, with both conjoining the U.S. Sun. The lucrative deal gave birth to the corporation as a neo-colonial power. The deal arrived in the form of a 99-year lease, essentially securing a long-term partnership with a foreign power as transiting Saturn conjoined natal Jupiter in Sagittarius. Now that transiting Saturn is returning to this same degree, Firestone’s practices in Liberia are coming under increased scrutiny and criticism.

The Force Awakens

Last week the teaser trailer for Star Wars VII – The Force Awakens was released, setting the twittersphere abuzz with nostalgia and excitement. With John Williams’ soaring score, the iconic Millennium Falcon, a cute robot, and a mysterious villain with a lightsaber, the brief trailer both enthralled and harkened back to the original Star Wars, which debuted on May 25, 1977 (Manhattan, NY; noon).

 Celebrity Chart

The Stars Wars debut chart features the Moon at 28º Leo where it conjoins the political asteroid Pallas and the royal star Regulus. This combination immediately connotes the pivotal role of Princess Leia who plots to destroy the Death Star. The magnificent scale and profitability of the franchise can be seen in the exact trine between Jupiter and Pluto, while the revolutionary forces gathering against the Galactic Empire are clearly depicted by Uranus squaring Saturn in Leo.

Uranus happens to be located at 8º Scorpio, exactly conjunct the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. The revolutionary nature of Uranus thus resonates with the 1776 Revolutionary War against the British Empire. And what of the Force? Obi-Wan Kenobi teaches Luke Skywalker about the power of his own mind in harnessing the Force. Astrologically, we can see this in the qualities of the Gemini Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith.

Just as Black Moon Lilith tempts us with the power of the Dark Side, Star Wars heroes and villains learn about the Force. At the climax of Star Wars, Obi-Wan speaks to Luke through the Force (Lilith in Gemini), helping him to destroy the imperial station. The Force Awakens debuts on December 18 when transiting Uranus and Pluto are squaring each other, which promises to bring a frenzied public response. Also at this time, transiting Lilith in Virgo will be exactly squaring the original Star Wars Lilith, emphasizing the mysterious nature of the Force.

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Last modified on December 1, 2014.