Composite Charts in Astrology - What Works?
Previously, we looked at proof that composite charts are very real. This page extends the analysis to family dynamics, looking at which techniques work. The page will use the charts of John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Mark David Chapman, Jane Fonda, and Peter Fonda.
Here is the natal chart of John Lennon.
Here is the natal chart of Yoko Ono.
Here is the natal chart of Sean Lennon.
Here is the natal chart of Mark David Chapman.
John and Yoko
Here is the composite chart for John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
There is a concentration of planets in the cadent houses of the composite chart - the 12th house, 9th house, 6th house, and 3rd house. The cadent houses tend to favor marriage relationships because in cadent houses the emphasis is on not on self or on possessions - the emphasis is on activity, on doing things. The cadent houses are similar to the mutable signs - coincidentally the composite chart features a Mutable Grand Cross involving the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Chiron. The strongest composite aspect is Moon conjunct Mercury in the 12th house. You can read the specific meanings of the house placements and the six strongest composite aspects here.
John and Sean
Here is the composite chart for John Lennon and Sean Lennon.
The composite house placements are such that Sean and his father had a good time together. The strongest composite aspects are Moon trine Pluto, Venus trine Jupiter, Venus sextile Neptune, Jupiter opposite Neptune, Mars conjunct Uranus, and Sun sextile Mars. The placement that jumps out from this composite chart is Pluto at 6Vir47 conjunct the Imum Coeli at 6Vir20, the cusp of the 4th House, the house of the home. Pluto in the Fourth House is a rare placement with a dramatic meaning. I wrote the following based on other composite charts, long before I looked at the composite chart between John and Sean Lennon. Here is the unusual meaning of composite Pluto in the Fourth House. When I see close alignments, I regard them as evidence of precise planning by the Other Side and proof that a technique works. In this case, the technique is creating a composite chart between a father and his son.
Yoko and Sean
Here is the composite chart for Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon.
Sean's mother has the Moon at 11Sag08. Sean was born with the Moon at 11Sag16. In a child's chart, the Moon represents the mother. Sean's Moon is in adventurous Sagittarius, it falls on the cusp of the 5th House of entertainment at 11Sag39, and it conjoins idealistic Neptune at 9Sag39 and sextiles tough Pluto at 9Lib23, qualities that characterize Yoko Ono. Their composite Moon is, of course, at 11Sag12. The composite Moon is in the 4th House of the home, near the I.C. at 8Sag20, and there is a yod pattern of Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron focused on the Moon. The Sun and Mercury also fall in the 4th House of the home. Where the composite chart with the father had an emphasis on the 5th house of play, the composite chart with the mother emphasizes the 4th house of the home, and the aspects from Jupiter and Saturn expand and protect the child.
John and Yoko together with Sean
Here is the composite chart for John Lennon and Yoko Ono combined in a composite with Sean.
Several examples have convinced me that this is a valid technique - to compare the composite chart of the father and mother with the chart of the child to create a new composite. The example of Sean with John and Yoko is very strong evidence of this technique. Some astrologers say that the composite chart indicates the ultimate purpose of the relationship. This composite chart of child with father and mother prefigures in advance what was going to happen to John, with the Arrow Yod pattern focused on a conjunction of Chiron and Saturn with the 8th House of death. This is the relationship with the parents from the child's point of view, as proved by the transits to this composite chart on the night of John's assassination:
Mercury in a chart tends to represent the child, and in these transits, composite Mercury at 27Sco01, opposing composite Chiron at 26Tau45 which conjoins the 8th House cusp at 27Tau16, gets the shock of its life from transiting Uranus at 27Sco09.
Transits to John and Yoko Composite
Here are the transits to the composite chart for John and Yoko.
The fascinating thing about this chart is that it shows restricting Saturn at 8Lib21 near the Midheaven at 9Lib07 attacking both Mercury at 8Cap14, representing the child, and Venus at 23Sco30 (a 45d09m semisquare aspect), representing the wife. Chiron at 14Tau22 aspects the Ascendant at 14Cap39, representing the physical self of John and Yoko's relationship. Transiting Jupiter at 7Lib10 squares the Moon at 7Cap20 - John and Yoko were public figures - the Moon represents publicity and the public, which Jupiter expanded and attacked.
Composite of John and Yoko Progressed Charts
This case demonstrates that it can be a valid technique to create a composite chart of two people's current progressed charts. Here is that composite chart combining John and Yoko's progressed charts as of December 8, 1980.
Composite Mars at 29Vir54 conjoins the cusp of the 8th House of death at 29Vir20. There is a Mutable Grand Cross involving Mars with Chiron, Saturn, and Pallas. Chiron is at 28Gem36, Saturn is at 27Pis16, and Pallas is at 28Sag48. I am not an expert on the goddess asteroids, but I have been editing Wolfstar's Weekly NewsScope column long enough to know that Pallas represents the warrior, disciplined and secret.
Composite of John Lennon and Mark David Chapman
Here is the composite chart for John Lennon and Mark David Chapman.
This is not a composite chart that you would want to have with someone. The Sun, Venus, and Uranus 6th House placements are dreary and Saturn in the 1st House opposing Mars and Pluto in the 7th House would create much conflict. Chiron at 3Tau02 conjunct the I.C. at 4Tau10 squares the Sun at 2Leo56, indicating the fated attraction that John Lennon had for Mark David Chapman. At 7:30 PM, Chapman's time of birth looks approximate - if rectified to 7:21:20 PM, that would put composite Chiron exactly on the composite Imum Coeli, the cusp of the 4th House, predicting the limitations that this relationship would bring to Chapman's "home" life.
Transits to Lennon and Chapman Composite
Here are the transits to the composite chart for John Lennon and Mark David Chapman.
Transiting Chiron at 14Tau22 squares the composite 7th House Pluto at 14Leo15, the same Pluto that opposes composite Saturn in the 1st House. This is reminiscent of the transits to the composite chart between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, when transiting Saturn squared composite Chiron. In the synastry biwheel between Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and shooter Jared Loughner, his Mars at 9Ari55 conjoins her Chiron at 9Ari51 and her Mars at 4Can18 conjoins his Chiron at 6Can20, so it is no surprise that Mars and Chiron end up conjoined in the composite chart, with composite Saturn in the solar 8th House of death at 6Pis23, where on January 8, 2011 at 10:10 AM in Casas Adobes, AZ it was conjoined by the Ascendant at 6Pis58 and the transiting Moon at 7Pis06 while transiting Saturn at 16Lib55 conjoined Pluto at 17Lib36 and sextiled Jupiter at 16Leo06.
Brother and Sister Composite Charts - Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda
Here is the composite chart for Jane and Peter Fonda.
Their cold, remote father was often gone and their mother was a socialite who ended up in an insane asylum where she committed suicide in 1950, when Jane and Peter were 12 and 10 years old. Composite Moon in the 5th House of entertainment seems to describe the mother, challenged by two close inconjunct (150d) aspects from the Sun in the 10th and Mars in the 12th. The strongest aspect is Sun opposite austere Pluto, which seems to describe the father. Pluto does accelerate the growth and toughness process. Saturn is on the cusp of the 1st House, which indicates mutual respect and a serious approach to life - Jane and Peter supported each other. Note that, like Sean Lennon's composite chart with his father, this brother and sister composite has the rollercoaster placement of Pluto in the Fourth House.
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Last modified on September 10, 2018.