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See screenshots and read the details about additions to version 9 of AstrolDeluxe Platinum.
See screenshots and read the details about additions to version 10 of AstrolDeluxe Platinum.
AstrolDeluxe Platinum, version 10.3 - NEW
The Windows Help for version 10.0 of AstrolDeluxe was up-to-date as of November 2, 2019.
Version 9.1.5 added to Customization, Initial Chart Display, a checkbox to Copy PowerGraph to Wheel Page. When this box is checked, and at the Chart Information screen's Display menu you select the Wheel with Grids Page, at the bottom right of the scrollable and printable page will appear the colorful Planet Strengths bar graph, AKA PowerGraph. It appears next to the triangular aspects grid and it replaces the grids with the planets' sign and house degrees. This is appropriate since the power graph depends on the aspects to derive each planet's harmonious and inharmonious strengths. Use this method to print out your client's Planet Strengths bar graph.
Version 9.1.5 also marks a newer version of the PC Atlas time changes file. Clicking on the Table button for cities in Australia and Israel will now show time changes extending to the year 2019.
Version 9.1.7 added to Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences a choice to turn off the default Add Angular Weight to Planet Strengths. All along, to arrive at the planet strengths the program been adding up how close are all the aspects to each planet and then has been looking to see if the planet is within five degrees of one of the four chart angles. The user has had the ability to modify the planet strengths by going to Customization, Aspect Orbs, but has not been able to exclude the strength that the program adds due to closeness to a chart angle. This customization choice adds that control, and makes it possible not just to see the extent contributed to a planet's strength as a result of being within five degrees of the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, or I.C., but also to more easily compare to and evaluate other strength systems, such as Astrodynes, without the complication added by angularity.
Version 9.1.8 added to Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences a new choice to emphasize the strength of any aspect when it is within one degree of being exact.
This goes against the rule that only the orb allowed for an aspect determines its strength. The default orb allowed for the 45-degree and 135-degree minor square aspects between planets is 3 degrees, whereas the default orb allowed for major aspects between planets is 6 degrees. This meant that even if a minor square was exact, it would not appear in the aspects section of an interpretation report until after major aspects that were 3 degrees from being exact had been listed. If this function is turned on, then as much as one degree of strength can be added to the strength of an aspect that is exact, pushing it higher in the aspects section of an interpretation report. If the aspect is 45 minutes from being exact, then only 15 minutes of strength will be added to it. This has the effect of putting the interpretation for Wilt Chamberlain's extremely exact Mercury semi-square Mars aspect in the top three aspects, as opposed to in the top seven.
There is also the problem of the strength given to Moon aspects in an unknown birth time chart. The Moon is always calculated for a time of noon when you indicate that the birth time is unknown. But its position could be plus or minus 7 degrees from its position at noon. We don't really want the aspects section to start with an exact Moon aspect that may be incorrect for a person with an unknown birth time. There is no more room on the Miscellaneous Preferences form for an additional choice, so I made it so that if you select to emphasize aspects that are exact, the program will also reduce the strength of aspects involving an unknown time Moon in half, both for interpretation reports and for the Planet Strengths bar graph.
Version 9.2.1 introduced a Graphic Aspectarian feature under Options. You can choose one month or one year. The Aspectarian will be for the planets overhead, the aspects between the moving planets, unless you have selected a chart in the Saved Charts listbox and you click the form's box to Use Selected Chart. The calculations can be in Heliocentric if you have that Zodiac selected. Financial astrologers often consider heliocentric aspects in addition to the usual geocentric aspects.
The Graphic Aspectarian summarizes the weather, which can be harmonious or discordant, affecting a particular planet over time, by using different colors for the aspect lines. Intensity is shown by varying the thickness of the lines. The Graphic Aspectarian adds up all the aspect lines for each day for a particular aspected planet and shows a colorful summary of varying thickness in a row for that planet. You can scroll down on the form in order to see every one of the aspected planets, their summaries, and the aspects made by each of your selected aspecting planets. Depending upon your selections, there can be up to 18 aspected planets. If you click on the Collapse button, the individual aspects will disappear, leaving just the colorful aspect summary lines for each planet and one big colorful aspect summary row at the top. The Graphic Aspectarian feature makes it easy to see at a glance the nature and power of the aspects for a particular date, for the world in general or for a particular individual.
You can customize aspect colors at Customization, Chart Colors, Sign & Aspect Colors. The aspectarian will always use the neutral color of gray for Conjunction aspects.
Version 9.2.2 fixed an error 91 problem with Edit, Select All in the results of Options, Find Compatible Charts. Also did some clean-up of the spacing when the astro font is turned on and for results greater than 9 matches.
Version 9.2.3 updates the hsc9032.dll calculation library. Was capable of freezing in a loop when calculating the anomaly. Added a counter to exit after 2000 iterations.
Version 9.2.3 updates ancient date handling when calculating eclipses.
Version 9.3.1 lets you select a checkbox, Refine Results with Aspect Orbs, at Customization, Aspect Patterns. After finding an aspect pattern or configuration in a chart, using the 120 sections that define the 35 patterns, version 9.3 can apply an additional test to see if the found planets are within the orbs that you have defined at Customization, Aspect Orbs. This will ensure that you only see aspect patterns listed for a chart where all the planets making up the pattern are in tight and valid aspects.
Version 9.3.1 lets you click on a new choice on the Display menu called Separate Wheels when you have a biwheel, triwheel, or quadwheel, from having compared one chart to another on the File menu, in order to load a new form with up to four small wheels, showing your charts with their houses. The form can be scrolled, zoomed in and out, copied, and printed. You control whether these separate little wheels have colored lines or black lines by whether Print in Color is checked at Customization, Chart Colors, Planet & Chart Colors.
It turns out that, in previous versions, the Halloran TrueType Font, that is bundled with AstrolDeluxe Platinum, was not being used for the planet sign glyphs when you had Wheel Font turned on. The sharp sign glyphs were only being used for the house cusps - the program was still drawing the sign glyphs for the planet positions graphically. So with version 9.3.1 the wheels will start inserting the sign glyphs from the font. I also worked on improving the appearance of the printed charts.
Version 9.3.2 makes sure that the captions are appropriate for the Wheel with Grids Page and for the Separate Wheels Page, which pages reuse the same form. This minor version also unloads the form before use so that all the properties will start with their default values.
Version 9.4 adds to the chart Display menu, underneath Planet Strengths, a new choice for Map of Degree Strengths. This round graph is based on the zodiac-proportional chart wheel, that already had tick marks for each zodiac degree. This new graph adds degree tick marks to the inside of the wheel. Strength rays for each degree project towards the center of the wheel. The light blue part of each ray is for the degree's strength from harmonious aspects. The red part is for the degree's strength from inharmonious aspects. You can visually see where in the chart there is a concentration of harmonious and inharmonious energy.
How are the degree strengths calculated? For each degree, the program temporarily puts an inactive planet there, and then calculates what would be the harmonious and inharmonious aspects to it from the active planets. You have some control over what are the active planets at Customization, Planets. You also have some control over the strengths at Customization, Aspect Orbs. Other choices at Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences can affect the degree strengths, such as Add Angular Weight to Planet Strengths and Emphasize Strength When Orb Exact (<1).
This new Map of Degree Strengths complements the AstrolDeluxe program's Planet Strengths bar graph by adding, on either side, tables of harmonious, inharmonious, and total strengths for the twelve houses and the twelve signs. These strength calculations are different from those of Astrodynes. No account is taken of house rulerships. The calculated values provide an alternative whose derivation is straightforward and subject to user control.
While the program is calculating, it can output to a *.csv file the strengths for each degree if beforehand you go to File and select Save Degree Strengths to File. As long as a file location and name are sitting in the program's temporary memory, the program will write the details to this file. You can easily read files with a *.csv extension in programs such as Windows Notepad or Microsoft Excel.
The program will find the six strongest degrees in the chart and will display them in a small grid to the left of the screen graph. The grid has two columns, one for Strengths and one for Degrees. You can pop up the Sabian Symbol interpretation for one of these six strong degrees by double-clicking on the degree value. Do not be surprised if you find a deep, underlying correspondence between your strongest degree and the Sabian Symbol for it.
The pop-up form allows you to print the degree interpretation or to add your own notes. The ability to print each degree interpretation makes up for the fact that the grid with the strongest degrees is not part of the Map of Degree Strengths form -- the grid will not be included if you choose to print this map.
Symbolism for the 360 degrees started long ago, perhaps with an ancient author known as Teucros the Babylonian and a book called the Sphaera Barbarica. I must have five books published in the twentieth century devoted to degree interpretations, in any of which you can research alternatives to the provided Sabian Symbol interpretations.
Version 9.4.1 makes a fix to the aspect patterns report when Refine Results with Aspect Orbs is checked at Customization, Aspect Patterns. The report was capable of dropping an important exact pattern that did appear at Display, Graphic Aspects, such as a tight Kite pattern. It had to do with how the interpretation report tries to interpret the most general version of a pattern, which was conflicting with eliminating patterns that are not within orb. The Refine Results with Aspect Orbs checkbox is a new feature that was just added to Platinum with 9.3.1.
Version 9.4.2 adds DoEvents in between calculation of the strength of each degree in the Map of Degree Strengths. This prevents a Not Responding condition from occurring on slower computers and it causes the wheel map to display as it is being drawn or built. I also made it unnecessary for the Moon's Nodes to be turned on in order for the degree strengths to be calculated.
Starting with version 9.5, AstrolDeluxe Platinum can automatically work with separate male and female natal interpretation files. This is in preparation for a new natal report where all the delineations will derive from actual research into male and female charts and biographies. If the selected natal interpretation file is called BEGIN.HNP, the program will get interpretations from that file for Male and Neutral gender charts, but the program will automatically try to get interpretations from a file called BEGINF.HNP for Female gender charts. Also, more generally, if the selected interpretation file root name ends with "MC", that file will be used for Male and Neutral gender charts, but the program will automatically try to use a matching file ending with "FC" for Female gender charts. These file names, ending with "MC" and "FC", correspond to what the Edit Interpretations program creates if you go to edit a previously unedited natal interpretation file and you answer the New File prompt by selecting "Make Separate File Copies for Males and Females."
Version 9.5 added the progressed Life Diagram that Reinhold Ebertin developed in 1968. On the Options menu, I changed Moving Graphic Ephemeris to have four submenus: Transit Ephemeris, Progressed Ephemeris, Declination Ephemeris, and Progressed Declinations. The Transit Ephemeris has the original Moving Graphic Ephemeris function and the Progressed Ephemeris does the new Life Diagram. A chart must be selected in the Saved Charts listbox, or else Progressed Ephemeris and Progressed Declinations will be grayed out. Unless you click on the Prog Type button, which brings up the Progress Chart selections form, the Start button will begin to draw planet lines for major progressions starting from the birth date. About 80 years worth of major or Secondary Progressions will fit on the screen.
The time span is the same if you select Solar Arc Directions at Prog Type, since solar arc directions move every planet at the rate of the progressed Sun's longitude. Solar Arc Direction contacts to planets in the natal chart can be very accurate for timing events. Ebertin used both major Progressions and Solar Arc Directions. Ebertin also looked at the graph of progressed declinations, so I added declination graphs to version 9.5. When doing the progressed declination graph, there is no Prog Type choice for Solar Arc Directions because of the fluctuating nature of declination calculations - if you calculate the major progressed chart for the 30th birthday of a person born on December 6, 15 days before the solstice, the Sun's declination will seem not to have moved at all since birth, still being at 22 S 35. That is because the progressed Sun reached its maximum declination of 23 S 26 around the 15th birthday, and then slowly retreated from that maximum, so the Sun's progressed declination is not useful for directing other planets.
You can also select Minor Progressions or Tertiary Progressions, but those involve more cycles in a given time span, so they let you change the starting date and year to be later than the birth date at the Prog Type screen. Ebertin liked to view the progressed planets, Ascendant, and Midheaven making contacts to the natal points against the background of a 45-degree graphic ephemeris - if you want to duplicate that, the form lets you select and apply a harmonic of 8.
In cosmobiology, Ebertin focused on aspect angles of 0, 180, 90, 45, and 135 degrees. The 45-degree graphic ephemeris collapses the natal planet positions, indicated by horizontal lines coming from the right side of the graph, so that any of these five hard aspects is indicated by a progressed planet line crossing or intersecting a natal planet line on the graph. Ebertin says that for the swiftly moving planets, a condition can start to develop one or two years before the aspect is exact, while for the slower moving planets it can develop as much as ten years before the aspect is exact. Chapter 8 of Ebertin's 408-page final book, Astrological Healing, has over 100 pages devoted to Case Studies using the Life Diagram. Its advantage is that the astrologer can visually see when in the life a hard aspect will apply and when it will be over.
Version 9.5.3 made a couple of minor fixes to the Life Diagrams, such as ensuring that the degrees on the right side appeared in black and that a birthday late in the year did not throw off the calibration of the years and the timing of when aspects occur.
Version 9.5.4 fixes a problem running the LifeTrends transits report from the chronological transits list for an unknown birth time chart. This problem affects all recent Platinum program versions. Quite a while ago, I made what I considered a logical fix to the transits list - to not put a planet's house in parentheses after the planet name if it is an unknown birth time chart, not realizing that such a change would affect the parsing of the transits list by the routine to create the transits interpretation report, which expected all planet names to be followed by the planet's house number in parentheses. The transits report routine is now fixed to be aware if the report is for an unknown birth time and it will only include planetary aspects - nothing about house ingresses.
Here is the workaround until you get the fix...
For unknown birth time charts, either do the Here and Now LifeTrends transits report or create Sunrise copies of the unknown time charts and run the chronological LifeTrends lists and reports against the Sunrise copies.
To make a Sunrise copy, call up the unknown birth time chart and on the right side click the Copy button. The Copy button divorces the chart from the original saved chart, which you probably want to keep as an unknown time chart. Then click on the Sunrise button. If you look in the time field you can see that the correct time for sunrise has been inserted. Then add a space and the word Sunrise to either the First Name or the Last Name field. Then Calculate to get the wheel and Save this new chart record to the charts file.
You should be able to select the Sunrise chart and run the chronological LifeTrends transits report against it.
Version 9.5.5 detects Event Type when converting Solar Fire 5 chart records and writes Male or Female without prompting the user for this info.
Version 9.6 adds a powerful new capability to Options, Research Charts. The program now has the ability to combine different searches in an OR manner. This is different from its long established method, in which each subsequent search is of the results of the previous search, which combines searches in an AND manner. Astrological researchers who wanted to combine charts in OR searches have in the past used the AstroDatabank program. However, the last version of AstroDatabank, version 4, dates back to 2006, making it compatible with Windows XP but not with newer versions of Windows, and it is no longer for sale. To give an example of an OR search, you could say that you wanted to see just those charts that have Mars on the Midheaven, OR that have Mars on the Ascendant, OR that have Mars conjunct the Sun, OR that have the chart ruling planet conjunct Mars. You get many more results by doing an OR search than you do from searching for just one factor.
You turn on OR searches by clicking the checkbox near the top that says Direct search to OR page. Or you can tab to it and press the spacebar. Then when you perform one of the 26 available searches, instead of immediately changing the found records to reflect the search results, the search is added to a Page of OR Searches that pops up at the bottom of the screen. The Page of OR Searches consists of a listbox with all the searches that you want to OR together. An example search could show:
1. Sun is in the 1st House
2. Sun is in AriesAt the bottom of the Page of OR Searches you see buttons that let you Delete a Selected Search or Combine OR Searches into Results List. There is a checkbox "Have Combine also print a summary of the search to the current printer". The Combine button will combine all of your separate searches, eliminate the duplicates, show the found results, and make the Page of OR Searches go away. If the print checkbox is checked, then before the form closes it will print to the current printer the chart file's starting count and ending count with all of the OR searches that were listed at the page. It can be very helpful to have the starting and ending count when you are trying to determine significance. If you want to retain these results without wasting paper, make your PDF printer driver the current printer so that you will be prompted to enter the pdf file name. You can use this feature to automatically record the starting count and ending count of a search even when you are doing just a single search.
At Search Two, By Aspect, there is now a checkbox that says "Multi select aspects". When this is checked, the combo box that lets you select a single aspect or to type in the value of any angle changes to a listbox that accepts multiple selections. For example, you can say that you want all the charts that have Sun conjunct Moon, Sun trine Moon, and Sun sextile Moon - so you do not have to tediously select each of these as a separate OR search.
Version 9.6.2 added word wrapping to all four displays or printouts of the criteria for a search, in order to accommodate the long Multi-select aspect criteria. This means that if the display or print line is too long it will wrap to the next line. It does not work with the Page of OR Searches listbox, but it does work with the checkbox for "Have Combine also print a summary of the search to the current printer". It also works with Print Search Results, the Group Signature, and with the Historical Graph.
Version 9.6.2 added an Exclude checkbox to Search Two, By Aspects. With this box checked, the remaining names in the list will be all the charts that do NOT HAVE the searched for aspect(s).
Version 9.6.3 fixes an array size problem connected to adding Eris in version 9.0. It manifested when searching for charts with a particular hemisphere emphasis at Options, Research Charts, Searth Three, Modalities etc.
Version 9.6.4 automatically unchecks the Multi-Select box at By Aspect when the user selects the Search Three tab, as the aspect searches on that tab do not use the multi-select aspects listbox.
Version 9.6.4 causes the By Aspect search to use the Sliding Scale for the parallel or contraparallel declination aspects when this is selected at Customization, Aspects and when the box "Use default orb" is checked.
Version 9.6.4 further expands the width of the Page of OR Searches listbox.
Version 9.6.4 adds a checkbox at the bottom of the Page of OR Searches that says "Save this list of searches for future use". If you check this box, then the searches will be saved to a savesrch.csv file and the tempOR#.lst files will be copied to saveOR#.lst files. When the program detects the existence of this file, clicking on the Research Charts form checkbox "Direct search to OR page" will pop-up a question whether to load the saved searches into the OR page. If you no longer want the saved searches, choose Cancel to delete the file. You might want to save and reload a set of searches if you are experimenting with adding refinements to a basic search, that you do not want to laboriously recreate over and over again.
Version 9.6.4 adds Printer Setup to Search on the Research Charts form menu bar. You might want to temporarily Print Search Results to a pdf file. Also adds a new choice, Print Search Results with No Names.
Version 9.6.4 adds a Multi-House checkbox to the By House search tab. This checkbox switches the list of houses to a list that allows multiple selections. You might want to get a list of all charts with Mercury in the 3rd house or in the 9th house.
Version 9.7 adds an in-depth Aspects Grid to the Display menu. This is a larger and more informative version of the small triangular aspects grid that can appear at the bottom left of a printed chart or on the special Wheel with Grids Page. This full-size Aspects Grid uses the Halloran astro wheel font, that comes bundled with AstrolDeluxe Platinum, to show what if any aspect exists between the planets indicated by the intersecting columns and rows, but also indicates with the letters 'a' or 's' whether the aspect is applying or separating. If the declinations of two planets makes them parallel or contraparallel, the declination aspect symbols will appear together with the zodiacal aspect symbols. The orb of the applying or separating aspect is shown in degrees and minutes.
The default is to show the orbs for the zodiacal aspects. If you want to see the declination aspect orbs instead, click the checkbox for Declination Orbs. The screen will redraw with that different set of orbs.
There is a Print Form button, and above it a Printer Setup button that allows you to switch from Portrait to Landscape. Whether the grid fits on Portrait or requires Landscape depends upon if you have selected more than 7 planet points in the Include column at Customization, Planets.
The chart name, birth data, and remarks appear in three text boxes at the top, that will be part of any printout. You can modify or add your own notes about the chart and its aspects to the contents of these text boxes before printing.
Version 9.7.1 adds DoEvents commands after all important print commands throughout the program as a way to prevent customers from experiencing printer device timeouts.
The new aspects grid lets the astrologer pick out which aspects in the chart are applying and therefore strongest. Version 9.7.2 allows the astrologer to click on and immediately read a pop-up interpretation for any aspect in the aspects grid. This increases the grid's use as a hands-on tool for analyzing a chart. The astrologer is more likely to spend time analyzing a chart's aspects when he or she can single out the most important aspects and immediately read their meaning. The caption of the pop-up interpretation form will also tell you the name of any aspect whose glyph you do not recognize.
Version 9.7.2 adds a basic mapping for the glyphs that the aspects grid needs if the user has not yet done that from the Customization menu.
Version 9.7.3 adds Angles Graph as a choice at the very bottom of the aspects list at Research Charts, Search Two, By Aspect. If you select this Angles Graph choice with two different planets, instead of finding the charts that have a particular aspect, the program will open a graph. The graph will show how many people in your file have each of the 180 possible degree angles between your two specified planets. The program looks at the angle of separation between the specified planets for each of the charts in your file. If the angle is between 0 degrees and 1 degree, then the total for that angle will be incremented by one. At the end, the total instances for each degree of separation is indicated by an x on this graph. Evenly spaced along the x-axis there appear 18 vertical lines marked 0, 10, 20, and so on up to 180 degrees. The y-axis is incremented in units of 5, from 0 to 100. Sometimes, the program must increase the y-axis scale, such as for Neptune and Pluto, to make room for the totals of all the people who were born with these two planets exactly sixty degrees apart.
Version 9.7.3 erases whatever is in the planet speeds array when one retrieves a saved chart using Quick Display. Then, if the planet speeds array is blank when one selects the new Aspects Grid, the user gets a message: "Warning. Quick Display does not get the planet speeds. You must Calculate a chart to see if aspects are Applying or Separating." If the program does not have planet speeds, instead of displaying the letters 'a' and 's' in the aspects grid, it always displays 'p' for 'partile', which is neither applying nor separating.
Version 9.7.3 modifies the choice of Mean or True for the Black Moon Lilith at Customization, Planets. It changes Mean to say Mean (recommend). When I researched biographies while writing the Black Moon Lilith interpretations, it was the Mean Apogee positions that gave rich and significant results.
Version 9.7.4 adds a button to the Page of OR Searches that says "See Exclusions Only". This button returns the charts that are the opposite of what the Combine button would find and return. So the button See Exclusions Only shows the charts that do not meet any of the criteria of the searches that are combined on the OR Page.
With version 9.7.5, the pop-up aspect interpretations form will no longer look for an aspect in the aspect patterns file. Previously, when one clicked on an aspect either in the Single Planet Aspect Window or in the new Aspects Grid, the program always got the LastDataFile. But if the last natal report generated was an aspect patterns report, the LastDataFile would be the asppat.hnp file, which contains only pattern interpretations, not aspect interpretations. It was still possible to select one of the other natal interpretation files listed to the right of the pop-up form, but with this change the program detects whether the LastDataFile contains "asppat" and, if so, substitutes the user's Personal Path or Spirit Success natal report file.
Version 9.7.6 fixes a problem getting a pop-up interpretation for the declination parallel and contraparallel aspects when one clicks on the planet strengths bar graph. Fixed by substituting the short forms PRL and CPL for the spelled-out forms Parallel and Contraparallel.
Version 9.7.6 adds to the By Aspect search at Options, Research Charts, Search Two, a checkbox 'Append percentage found to text file', where the program creates the name of the file from the name of the currently loaded charts file. If the currently loaded charts file is alcohol.cht, then if this checkbox is checked, the results of the aspect search will be appended to the file alcoholpct.txt. Each appended line will look like this: Moon parallel (000.000) Venus using an orb of 1° 68 1793 0.0379 This means that out of 1793 charts, 68 charts, or 3.79%, met the criteria. By manually performing all of the aspect searches in which one is interested on the currently loaded charts collection, a text file can be built up fairly quickly. The search results for this collection can then be compared to the same search results found for other chart collections. This lets one see if a particular aspect is found more frequently or less frequently among different types of people.
Version 9.7.7 adds the ability to include 19th century charts in the Historical Frequency table at Options, Research Charts, Historical Graph. If a chart collection has a significant percentage of charts in the 1800s, then the graph will switch from being for the 100 years from 1900 to 2000 to being for the 200 years from 1800 to 2000.
Version 9.7.8 goes back to a change made with version 9.6.4 which enables the By Aspect search to use Charles Jayne's Sliding Scale for the parallel or contraparallel declination aspects (when this is selected at Customization, Aspect Orbs and when the box "Use default orb" is checked). Version 9.7.8 changes the search criteria record for that search from "using an orb of X degrees" to "with sliding scale." This affects what the line says if one checks the new checkbox added with 9.7.6, 'Append percentage found to text file'. For comparing chart collections from different time periods, the sliding scale is more accurate than using a fixed degree amount. If one's chart collection has birth dates that cluster around a time when a slow- moving outer planet is near maximum declination, then when using a fixed orb for aspects any fast-moving aspecting planet would spend more time in parallel or contraparallel to that outer planet for purely astronomical reasons, resulting in more search hits. The sliding scale corrects for this phenomenon, putting chart collections and their aspects on a level playing field.
Version 9.8 adds a button to the bottom of the By Aspect search form at Options, Research Charts, Search Two. The button will only become visible if the user clicks on the checkbox added to 9.7.6, 'Append percentage found to text file'. The button says 'Auto Write All Planets for Selected Aspect'. The button automatically does the 120 searches that I was manually doing between all the planets, adding 120 lines to the pct.txt file for the currently loaded charts collection. The ability to automatically rank the frequency of astrological aspects in a particular collection of charts will greatly assist astrological research. I have 22 separate files for 22 categories of people and can use this feature to see how an aspect's frequency differs between alcoholics and athletes, for example.
Version 9.8 adds a choice to the menu bar at Options, Research Charts. The new choice says Table of Aspect Frequencies. When you select this, it opens a Merge to Aspect Frequency Table form which says at the top:
"Use this form to merge to a table of aspect frequencies the separate results from your *pct.txt files. Search Two, By Aspect will create these files when you use the checkbox 'Append percentage found to text file'. There is a long button underneath that checkbox that will automatically write found results and percentages for your selected aspect for all the planets.
"It only makes sense to use this form when you have *pct.txt files from multiple chart file collections, such as the set of 22 different people categories available from Halloran. The process of creating the separate *pct.txt files involves opening each charts collection, one *.cht file at a time."
The form looks in the folder of the currently loaded charts file for any files ending in *pct.txt and displays their names in a listbox at the center of the form. See the note for Version 9.7.6 for creating *pct.txt files. The only addition needed to what is there is that you can create these files for any aspect or angle, manually typing in a particular angle between 0 and 180 that you want to research, if it is not listed. The form shows the default name of the Table file to which it will write. There is a button to change the Table Filename. The button Create Table will grab aspect frequency lines from each of the files listed in the listbox and will merge them together, sorted in order of frequency, in a text table file that is capable of being hundreds of pages in length.
If you want to start over again from scratch with new *pct.txt files, but not lose the results of your previous research, Windows File Explorer makes it easy to select all of your existing *pct.txt files and click first on Edit and Copy and then on Edit and Paste, which will automatically copy to files that start with the word Copy. After which, you can delete your existing *pct.txt files. The form and its Create Table button know to ignore any *pct.txt files that begin with the word Copy.
Version 9.8 removes adding angular weights to declination aspects.
Version 9.8 prevents E for East Point or V for Vertex from displaying on the wheel for an unknown birth time chart. This has gone unnoticed because most users do not have these points selected at Customization, Planets.
Version 9.8 revisits a version 9.1.8 change made to the Customization menu at Miscellaneous Preferences. In addition to emphasizing the strength of a zodiacal aspect when it is within one degree of being exact, when this is selected, the strength of a declination aspect will be emphasized when it is within 20% of the allowed orb for the declination aspect. The declination orb can be fixed or sliding scale. These changes help to ensure that the new declination aspect interpretations are sorted correctly by strength into the aspect interpretations section of an interpretation report. For that to happen, you must have selected Sort Parallels into Aspect Lists at Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences.
Version 9.8 adds a Vocational Ranking screen to the Display menu. This is the practical implementation of the Table of Aspect Frequencies feature that version 9.8 added to the research module. That table established how frequently all the different planetary aspects occur within 22 collections of charts, ranging from Actor to Writer. The Vocational Ranking feature translates these results to the person's chart. It works by going through each aspect in a person's chart, incrementing each of the 22 vocational categories with the percentage that the research found for that aspect. The incremented categories are then sorted from strongest to weakest. For example, the strongest vocational category for Bill Gates is Computer (top aspect is Jupiter conjunct Pluto), Pilots is number two (top aspect is Jupiter sextile Neptune), Psychol is number three (top aspect is Sun parallel Chiron), and Murder is number four (top aspect is Pluto biquintile Midheaven). Understand that I did not determine the strengths of the aspects for each occupation - they were all extracted automatically from the frequencies found in the 35,000 research charts. You should also understand that no one gets a highly ranked category from the contribution of just one aspect - in my experience a highly ranked category is from the addition of many aspects.
When I was in college, I took a test called the Strong Vocational Interest test, named after the author Edward Strong. It gave me an A+ rating in two categories - Computer Programmer and Psychologist, based on my having a personality similar to that of individuals who had succeeded in those two fields. What is interesting is that those are the same two occupations that astrology now puts at the top of my Vocational Ranking list, with Computer number one (top aspect is Sun parallel Ascendant) and Psychol number two (top aspect is Sun opposition Uranus).
The Vocational Ranking feature uses the default aspect orbs for the top 11 zodiacal aspects, from conjunction to semi-sextile. It also uses the sliding scale versions of the parallel and contraparallel declination aspects. The planet points used are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ascendant, Midheaven, Moon's North Node, Chiron, East Point, and Black Moon Lilith.
You may be satisfied to apply this Vocational Ranking feature to self, family, friends, and clients. But if you are more ambitious, you can acquire the data on which it is based and do your own research. The data in the form of about 35,000 charts in 22 chart collections, all the *pct.txt files for the aspects, and a 1134-page table of the occupational frequencies for all the aspects is being placed on a separate CD with an instructional text on Automated Statistical Research. You can experiment with additional aspects, any angle from 0 to 180, or aspects to asteroids. You can contribute to the future of astrology by creating files for additional occupations. In this regard, note the declaration by Alois Treindl that Astrodatabank considers birth data to be in the public domain, reserving as proprietary only their written biographical text. The future is bright for astrological research.
Starting with version 9.8.2, the program no longer displays Businessfemale in the Vocational Ranking list for a male and it will no longer display Businessmale in the list for a female. This reduces the list to 21 displayed categories. If the chart is gender neutral, the list will still display both business person categories.
Version 9.8.2 added the ability to click on any occupation listed at Display, Vocational Ranking in order to see a pop-up help bubble showing the planetary aspect that is contributing the most to the rank of that occupation. This makes these ranked categories less of a black box, benefiting both the astrologer and the programmer. Knowing which aspect turned out to contribute to a category can also increase the astrologer's understanding.
Version 9.8.2 added more planetary aspects to the exclude list at Display, Vocational Ranking, based on their being slow, generational planetary aspects. There are now 44 excluded zodiacal aspects and 10 excluded declination aspects. I had to take into account the peaks in Gauquelin's collected data, which sometimes coincided with one of these slow outer-planet aspects, causing the category to have an artificially high frequency for that aspect. Generational aspects are just that - generational - and therefore they must be less important than personal aspects in determining vocation.
There was also an interesting case in the 1940s and 1950s when according to Vail and Pottenger's Tables for Aspect Research there was an abundance of Venus conjunct Mars aspects, an abundance that had nothing to do with all the computer programmers born then, so I excluded the Venus conjunct Mars aspect.
Version 9.8.2 added the ability to search for charts having a particular category as one of the top-three ranked vocations. At Options, Research Charts, this is on the Search Two tab at By Vocation. All the available search tabs are now filled up. So, if you are curious about what other charts have a particular category ranked in the top three, you can now find those charts. The main problem with this search is that it is really slow, so the form tells you the number of the record on which it is working and how many matches it has found. It gives you the opportunity to see just the qualifying chart records found up to that point by pressing the Escape key on your keyboard. If you then refill the search list and run that same search again, the program will ask if you want to resume the search where you left off, instead of at the beginning.
Version 9.8.3 makes three important changes to the Vocational Ranking table.
The table now excludes aspects involving the Moon for Unknown Birth Time charts. The top aspect for a person's top category could have included the Moon, when if the chart was for an Unknown Birth Time, that aspect might not even have been in effect when the person was born.
The table now takes into account how exact each aspect is in the chart when adding up the percentages for each found aspect. It was not right that the top aspect for a person's top category could have a wide orb in the person's chart.
The table no longer adds up the raw percentages exactly as given in the master table, as this was favoring astronomically frequent aspects. Instead it now gets the range for a particular aspect, and adds the percentage departure from the minimum for the category within the range. For example, the top percentage for Sun conjunct Mars in the master table is 0.0882 for Psychol and for the bottom percentage 0.0545 for Musician, giving a range of 0.0337, but for astronomical reasons the top percentage for Sun opposition Mars is only 0.0263 for Pilot and the bottom percentage 0.0059 for Businessfemale. The Sun conjunct Mars aspect is not more powerful than the Sun opposition Mars aspect, so adding together the raw percentages from the master table was too crude of a procedure.
The high or low values that an aspect has for a particular occupation are not being judged according to any absolute standards, but just relative to how often each of the other occupations have that same aspect. It is all relative. The aspects are ranked against each other and the occupations are ranked against each other. The result for each individual is a unique ranking table.
These changes may have the effect of changing the order of a person's category rankings from previous versions, but it is better to make the change now while version 9.8 is still young.
Version 9.8.3 adds the ability to double-click on any occupation listed at Display, Vocational Ranking in order to see a pop-up help bubble showing the three strongest planetary aspects that contribute the most to the rank of an occupation. This is in addition to the single-click feature added with version 9.8.2 that just gets the top aspect for a category.
Version 9.8.4 separates the non-vocational from the vocational categories in the Vocational Ranking table, putting them in a separate section at the bottom. The non-vocational categories are Alcohol, Dementia, Life_80s, and Murder. You can still see the strengths for each of these categories.
Version 9.8.5 fixed a problem with some declination aspects not appearing in the pop-up aspects grid when Sort Parallels into Aspect Lists is selected at Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences. The pop-up aspects grid appears for a particular planet when one double-clicks on the planet's glyph in the wheel.
Version 9.8.6 dealt with the progressions and transits multi-wheels. Worked on the pop-up interpretations that one gets from double-clicking on an aspect in the Single Planet Aspect Window. Made sure that the progressed interpretation knows which is the progressed planet and which is the natal planet. If one has a combination progressions and transits triwheel or quadwheel, made it so that instead of always drawing on the progressions interpretations, when one clicks on an aspect from the transits wheel to either the natal or the progressed wheel that it switches to the transits interpretations. Also, now that I have Sort Parallels into Aspects List turned on, noticed that a solar arc directions biwheel was showing all of those planets as parallel to the natal planets in the Single Planet Aspect Window. Took time to anticipate all instances where the natal chart and the solar arc directions chart could be compared in a biwheel, triwheel, and quadwheel, in order to eliminate spurious parallels.
Version 9.8.6 warns the user if Printer Setup is set to Landscape mode when one selects Separate Wheels from the multi-wheel Display menu. The Separate Wheels only print correctly in Portrait mode.
Version 9.8.7 fixes a problem with the Moon Distance at Chart Analysis. This problem was introduced with Version 9.0.5 that added the new type of retrograde flag at the top of the Chart Analysis table that indicates in how many days each planet will change direction. The program needed to save the value of the Moon Distance before calculating forward in time to see when the planets would change direction. You might think that the Moon does not need to be part of the retrograde flag calculations, but it does because the Moon's True Node can go from retrograde to direct.
Version 9.8.8 eliminated all use of declinations during display of a composite chart. The composite chart does not have declinations so what was in the declination arrays was left over from the natal chart of the 2nd person in the comparison.
Version 9.8.8 updates the nataldf.ini file to add a new template - Standard with Declination Aspects.
Version 9.8.8 improves the printing of a single interpretation from the pop-up interpretation form. Lowers the starting line and expands the width of the printed text across the page in accordance with the customized body font size.
Version 9.8.9 fixes a couple of problems with the solar return report when translated into Spanish. It also fixes a problem with the new Vocational Ranking table when the computer is set for a decimal separator other than the period. It was not working to get the value of a number string when the decimal separator is a comma, as it is in some regions of the world.
Version 9.8.10 adds the ability to import files of charts saved by Solar Fire with the *.sfcht extension, that was first added by Solar Fire Deluxe, version 6, and continued through Solar Fire version 9. Solar Fire Deluxe switched to a new format charts file when it followed AstrolDeluxe in recording life history events and when it had to stop using the *.chm extension for its memo files, on account of Windows using that extension for html help files. It took some additional work to fit chart records, life history events, and comments into one random access file format, but one resulting benefit of making this change is that the user only has to back up one file instead of several related files. AstrolDeluxe saves its events and comments to a companion *.mdb file.
You can find this new choice at File, Convert Foreign Chart Files where there is now an Input File Format for Solar Fire.6-9. *.SFcht. Note that ever since version 5 of Solar Fire that chart records can save the Gender under Event Type. It is important for AstrolDeluxe to know the Gender when generating natal interpretation reports that draw upon my new separate Male and Female interpretations for the Moon's Nodes, Black Moon Lilith, Minor Square Aspects, and Declination parallels and contraparallels. The Event Type is reliably filled in for version 5 records imported from the AstroDatabank, but many astrologers have not bothered to edit the Event Type for their personal charts. If the value of the Event Type is 0, then the import will pop up a form showing the person's name and asking for the chart's gender. Solar Fire charts do not have any flag for unknown birth time.
The *.sfcht file chart record can hold comments not only about the natal chart, but also comments about saved events for the chart - the import/conversion to AstrolDeluxe format will insert any event comments after the regular chart comments at More Chart Data, Memo.
Version 9.8.10 adds the ability to import the *.txt text-format charts file that Kepler added with its version 4. When you are inside Kepler and choose to Export Birth Data, pick the choice that does NOT add quote marks and commas. This will export to a NAMES.TXT file. You can open this file with Windows Notepad and copy and paste selected lines to new and smaller text files. For example, I wanted to experiment with importing just the two lines for country singer Hank Williams, who was born in one of the six towns in Alabama known as Mount Olive, so I copied his two lines and pasted to a new file which I saved as HANKWILLIAMS.TXT. The export from Kepler shows his birthplace as Mount Olive, AL (Butler). I had to ensure that the import correctly got the coordinates for the town that is in Butler county. Importing HANKWILLIAMS.TXT takes a couple of seconds as compared to the twenty minutes required to import the entire NAMES.TXT file. Kepler charts lack flags for unknown birth time and for gender. If you do not want to answer the pop-up gender question for each chart, press the Escape key once and the remaining charts will automatically be saved with Neutral gender.
Version 9.8.10 adds the ability to import chart files from versions 3, 4, and 5 of the Janus program from New Zealand. Version 3 files have the file extension *.cha. Version 4 files have the extension *.chb. Version 5 files have the extension *.chc. These saved charts can have comments, but like Kepler they lack flags both for gender and unknown time.
Version 9.8.10 fixed an aspect pattern drawing problem that could occur if at Customization, Aspect Patterns one selects the box Allow Node and at Customization, Planets one has the Black Moon Lilith turned on. The Black Moon is not normally used for aspect patterns, but turning on the Moon's Nodes turns on using the Black Moon also. The problem was that when the Black Moon was listed as an aspect pattern planet, when the program looked to see if it should draw a line to the Moon, it thought that the Moon was included as part of the pattern because it found 'Moon' in 'Black Moon'.
Version 9.8.10 starts copying the AstrolDeluxe saved charts file to a backup before saving a new record to it. So if the file is called charts.cht, then before opening the file, the program will make a copy to charts.cht.bak. It does occasionally happen that I get a call from a customer who experiences error #13 when they try to call up a saved chart. Investigation reveals that their saved charts file has become corrupt or reduced to 0 bytes, so that it no longer matches the list of names and record numbers in the companion index or pointer file. I recommend that customers make use of File, Backup Saved Charts to put a copy of their charts file and its companions onto external media, in case the computer hard drive crashes. Not all customers do that, however.
Version 9.8.10 makes improvements to the By Aspect search, including to the 'Multi select aspects' checkbox, which changes the aspects box from a combo box that only accepts one aspect to a listbox that accepts multiple aspects. It now works to select both a zodiacal aspect and a declination parallel or contraparallel at the same time. Also fixed a problem with the focus and default text of the control if one unselects one of the selected aspects.
Version 9.8.10 adds to the File menu at Research Charts a new choice Create Asteroid Positions File. This is to speed up aspect searches to an asteroid. The By Aspect search form allows the 2nd planet to be an asteroid, which one can select from a separate listbox underneath the 2nd planet listbox. The problem was that since asteroid positions are not in the saved chart records the program had to do a time-consuming calculation of the asteroid position for each chart. The new File menu choice lets you select an asteroid for which you want to create a companion to your charts file that has the asteroid's positions for each chart. If the currently loaded charts file is charts.cht, and you choose the asteroid Prometheus (1809), then the new routine will create the charts-1809.pos file, which will allow searches involving this asteroid to be instantaneous.
Version 9.8.10 improves the button at the bottom Auto Write All Planets For Selected Aspect. You can read more about this button at 9.7.8. If you have put the focus on the asteroids listbox underneath the 2nd planet listbox, then this button will automatically compare the Sun through Black Moon to the selected asteroid for the selected aspect. I added this feature so that I could check out the aspect frequencies for the Kuiper-belt objects Haumea and Makemake.
Version 9.8.10 adds new types of Group Signatures, for Sign Modalities and Elements, for House Modalities and Elements, for Hemispheres and Quadrants, for Signs, and for Houses. These choices are on the drop-down Group Signatures list at Options, Research Charts. For the currently displayed list of charts, you can see the percentage of planets in any of these categories and you can print the results.
The Sign Modalities and Elements page shows you the percentage breakdown for the Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable signs, and for the Fire, Earth, Air, and Water Signs. The House Modalities and Elements page shows you the percentage breakdown for the Angular, Succedent, and Cadent houses and for the houses of Life, Substance, Relationships, and Endings. The Hemispheres and Quadrants page shows you the percentage breakdown for the Upper and Lower Hemispheres, Eastern and Western Hemispheres, and for the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quadrants. All of these percentages make use of the point values assigned at Customization, Planets, Set Points for Elements and Modalities.
The Signs page shows you the breakdown for all the planets that you have turned on at Customization, Planets in the twelve zodiac signs - for example, a collection of 100 Accountants has 10.93% of the planets in Virgo, but only 5.73% in Aquarius. Gauquelin's collection of Military men has 11.69% in Taurus, but only 6.69% in Capricorn. Before generalizing too much regarding such results, click for the Historical Graph which shows the frequency of birth years in your collection and consider where the outer planets were during those years. If one looks at the 22 members of the Kennedy family that are in the famousp.cht file, the most prominent sign is Virgo at 13.33% and the least represented sign is Taurus at 4.24%. If you do the Houses search for the Kennedys, the most represented house is the 10th House at 12.45% and the least represented is the 11th House at 5.13%. That is with 21 known birth times and using a 2-degree advance orb - that important information will appear underneath the House results. You set a global house advance orb at the bottom of Customization, House System.
Version 9.9 corresponds to major improvements made to the famousp.cht collection that is bundled with AstrolDeluxe Platinum. I also rewrote the FamousChartsWelcomeTo.txt document that came with the old famous32.cht collection and added it to the AstrolDeluxe Platinum CD and created an item for it at the bottom of the Halloran Software program group.
The Famous Charts collection is now at 5626 chart records. The birth information at Astrodatabank and at Google has improved greatly in recent years, so I took two weeks around October 1, 2018 to go through and correct all the records. As a result, the number of charts with known birth times increased by 443, from 3266 to 3709. The number of charts rated AA or A increased by 822, from 2115 to 2937. Astrology is in a transitional state now. For the first time, we have databases that let us connect accurate charts with in-depth biographies of well-known people. That new information is helping astrology to improve.
Version 9.9.1 added a feature at Research Charts, Search One, By Longitude. Instead of searching for saved charts where the selected planet(s) must be between specified longitudes, you can check the box "Show 360-degree frequency graph for selected planet(s)." Then clicking Search will bring up the frequency graph form with an 'x' marking the frequency that the planet is found in each of the 360 degrees in the saved charts list. If, for some reason, you want to combine two or more planets on the graph then you can select more than one planet. This lets you easily test a particular charts collection to see if exaltation degrees, detriment degrees, or critical degrees are over- or under-represented. The Sun and Moon degree frequencies seem fairly uniform, but Venus shows waves or frequency peaks at certain zodiac locations and Jupiter has some dramatic outliers. I believe that these are artifacts caused by resonance between the orbits of Venus and Earth and that some degree frequencies are heightened when Earth's orbit makes Jupiter appear to go retrograde. The artifacts are not present when looking at a collection of 5600 heliocentric charts.
It can be crowded to fit 360 degrees on the frequency graph. Therefore, on the File1 menu, I added Save Frequencies to File, where you can specify a csv extension file to which you want the program to simultaneously save. As long as a file location/name is sitting in the program's temporary memory, the program will write the details to this file. You can easily read files with a *.csv extension in programs such as Windows Notepad or Microsoft Excel. With the file, you won't have to guess what the frequency is for each degree.
The above feature works not just for the Longitude Degrees frequency graph, but also for the Historical Frequency graph and for the Angles Frequency graph. The Historical Graph is on the menu bar and the Angles Graph is at the bottom of the aspects listbox at Search Two, By Aspect.
Version 9.9.2 adds Copy Names to Clipboard to the Research Charts form Search menu. After doing a search, you might want to copy the list of found names into another Windows application.
Version 9.9.3 started working with a subfolder called Research that contains 71 large collections of charts.
Version 9.9.3 fixed a problem with the calculated primary directions that had conjunctions to houses labeled for the next house.
Version 9.9.3 fixed a problem that could occur when displaying a chart's Arabic Parts more than once. The Tool Tip display for a part would become blank and parts based on degrees could change to the wrong longitude value.
Version 9.9.3 adds three additional types of arc direction calculations - Ascendant Arc Directions, Vertex Arc Directions, and East Point Arc Directions. These directions are similar to the Solar Arc Directions that have always been in AstrolDeluxe. Just as Solar Arc Directions consistently direct all natal planets forward by the amount of the Sun's motion in the secondary progressed chart, so these directions move all planets forward by rates that are traditionally used to direct geographic points (nodes where planes intersect) in the progressed chart. These traditional rates are a function of what is selected in the Midheaven Rate listbox. Typically you select either Solar Arc MC or Right Ascension of the Mean Sun MC (R.A.M.S. MC). In the book Nested Time, engineer and astrologer Arthur M. Young describes how he experimented with both of these rates for Ascendant arcs and Vertex arcs, where he called the R.A.M.S. MC rate the Primary rate and he called the Solar Arc MC rate the Secondary rate. The R.A.M.S. MC rate involves steady increments of Sidereal Time, whereas the Solar Arc MC rate is a variable rate. As the progressed chart ages, the graphs that one gets for the directed Ascendant, Vertex, or East Point will increasingly diverge based on which Midheaven Rate is selected. Although divergent, the rates are capable of intersecting and being the same at times during the life. The inside covers of the nicely printed hardcover Nested Time autobiographical book reproduce Arthur M. Young's graph for a ten-year period of his life showing the two parallel and divergent lines of both methods' Ascendant Arcs (also see the A1 and A2 examples on pages 264-266). The strength of the arc directions technique lies in precise timing of significant events. From a young age, Arthur began keeping a journal in which he recorded the details of his eventful life. Similar synchronicities tended to occur for the same directed aspects at both dates given by the two different methods.
You can get the program to show you these arc direction calculations in three different forms: 1) in the form of a static chart for a particular date; 2) in the form of a chronological list of directed aspects and dates; or 3) in the form of a graphic ephemeris. You can select one of the three new Arc Direction types in the Progression Type listbox (after Hermetic Minor Progressions). Get to that listbox either through 1) Options, Progress a Chart, 2) Options, List Transits & Progressions, the radio button for Progressions or Directions, and the button for Calculate, or 3) Options, Moving Graphic Ephemeris, Progressed Ephemeris, and the button for Prog Type. When you have calculated an arc direction chart from Options, Progress a Chart, you can select Compare Directed Chart to Natal Chart from the File menu, in order to see the aspects to the natal chart. Then, after you have the biwheel, you can select Compare to Alternate Rate from the File menu in order to automatically get a triple wheel with both the Solar Arc MC rate chart and the R.A.M.S. MC rate chart. You can very quickly see if either directions chart forms any close aspects to the natal chart for that date by clicking on Display, Outer to Natal and Middle to Natal, where Sort By Orbs will put the closest aspects at the top of the list.
Version 9.9.3 changed the DateMask for More Chart Data, List History to Year/Month/Day and it set the Sorted property for the history listbox to True. The result is that no matter when you make event additions for a person's life, the events will always appear in chronological order.
Version 9.9.3 adds a Nested Time choice to the Options menu. Nested Time duplicates the set of forecast aspect calculations that appear in the Nested Time book by Arthur M. Young. You enter the year for which you want the program to calculate Progressions, Solar Arc Directions, both types of Ascendant Arc Directions, both types of Vertex Arc Directions, and Transits for the outer planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto for your selected chart. These are all the types of forecast aspects that Arthur Young found to correlate to events in his well-documented life. After you enter the desired year and press Enter or click on Run, AstrolDeluxe will separately calculate these aspects and write them to a text file in a new Temp subfolder, all of which aspects the program then merges and sorts into date order for the year, in an on-screen grid. If you wish, nothing stops you from going to the Temp subfolder and starting a project to combine the different yearly aspect files into one multi-year life document.
As shown on pages 264-266 of the Nested Time book, Arthur used the Arabic Part keywords that he got from Dr. Marc Edmund Jones as a quick guide to an aspect's nature. I have added this previously unpublished list from Jones to AstrolDeluxe as a new Arabic Parts collection called sabian.arp, containing 91 items. The Jones list only went up to Neptune. I found Arabic Parts for Pluto on the Internet. In addition to the keywords taken from the Arabic Part planet combinations, there could be planetary aspects to the Ascendant and Midheaven, as well as to the same natal planet. To obtain these keywords, I turned to Reinhold Ebertin - his COSI book and his Transits book. I also created keywords for transiting aspects involving Chiron and the Vertex.
You can also double-click on an aspect in the list to get a pop-up delineation. For transits, the delineation will come from Halloran Software's LifeTrends (ltpro1.hlt or ltpro1c.hlt). For progressions, the delineation can come from Journey Progressions (jppro1.hjp or jppro1c.hjp) or from the Public Progressions file (pubprogc.hjp). The latter's Introduction says, "The following report draws upon a community-based set of progressions interpretations. The initial foundation of this set is from Alan Leo's 1906 book The Progressed Horoscope. In September of 2019, John Halloran pasted in all of Alan Leo's progressed aspect interpretations. Any astrologer can improve and add to this public domain set using the Edit Interpretations program that comes with AstrolDeluxe. Its Add New button lets you add aspect interpretations for new planet points. Contact John Halloran about incorporating your additions into the zip file that is an Updates Page download at https://www.halloran.com. This Introduction will acknowledge major contributions."
You should try the default report first before you start adding to it, but you can expand the standard Nested Time report with eight checkboxes: 1) You can add transiting Jupiter; 2) You can add transiting and progressed Chiron; 3) You can expand the natal target planets to include whatever points you have turned on at Customization, Planets; 4) You can tell the routine to use more than just the top five aspects, to use whatever aspects have non-zero orbs at Customization, Aspect Orbs, Transits and Progressions; 5) You can get transiting aspects to progressed planets and points; 6) You can get Classical with Latitude Primary Direction aspects; 7) You can get the numerous Minor Progressions aspects for the year; and 8) You can get the Tertiary Progressions aspects for the year.
If you do not want to see the Ascendant Arc Directions or the Vertex Arc Directions, then you can check the Skinny List box.
Here is a guide to the different aspect types that can be in the Nested Time list:
Progressed to Natal:
2020/02/19 P-Moo(5) D CJN Ven(5) @ 09Pis02 Comfort
Progressed to Progressed:
2020/03/25 P-Sun(10) D TRI Moo(7) Progressed Fortune
Solar Arc Directions:
2020/02/28 S-Plu(1) D TRI Jup(9) @ 18Gem25 Benevolence
Ascendant Arc Directions, R.A.M.S. MC:
2020/01/24 A1-Sat(10) D SQR Moo(7) @ 29Ari20 Inheritance
Ascendant Arc Directions, Solar Arc MC:
2020/03/22 A2-Ura(10) D SQR Moo(7) @ 29Ari20 Dramatization
Vertex Arc Directions, R.A.M.S. MC:
2020/10/04 V1-Mer(10) D SXT Sat(8) @ 27Tau10 Faithfulness
Vertex Arc Directions, Solar Arc MC:
2020/05/31 V2-Jup(12) D SQR Mar(9) @ 23Gem43 Negotiation
Transits to Natal Chart:
2020/02/03 Tr-Sat(4) D SQR Sun(7) @ 25Ari20 Father
Transits to Progressed Chart:
2020/02/20 TrP-Sat(4) D TRI Nep(12) Progressed Caution
Primary Directions, Classical with Latitude:
2020/07/15 PD-Mer CJN Mar @ 23Gem43 Direct Understanding
Minor Progressed to Natal:
2020/01/05 M-Moo(4) D SQR Mer(7) @ 20Ari24 Faith
Minor Progressed to Progressed:
2020/01/11 M-Moo(4) D SXT Ven(5) Progressed Comfort
Tertiary Progressed to Natal:
2020/01/04 3-Mer(5) D SXT Mer(7) @ 20Ari24 Comprehension
Tertiary Progressed to Progressed:
2020/01/16 3-Moo(8) D SQR Asc(1) Progressed RelationshipsPreviously, it has only been possible with AstrolDeluxe to see Transits to Progressed aspects in the triple wheel. Do a progressed chart compared to the Current Transits in a triple wheel for Kenneth Lay, accountant and CEO of the greedy Enron corporation for his 23rd birthday on April 15, 1965. Kenneth Lay was born with Moon at 29 Aries and Saturn at 27 Taurus. The progressed Moon moves just slightly faster than does transiting Saturn. By Ken's 23rd birthday the progressed Moon is at 6 Pisces and transiting Saturn is at 13 Pisces. If you click on Edit, Rotate/Rectify Chart, click on the Year icon, click on the Date right arrow button, and then click the Auto button, you can watch the Moon and Saturn dance next to each other as Auto rotate refreshes the triple wheel one year at a time. The progressed Moon finally passes Saturn around 1990, by which time Kenneth Lay is 48 years old and has spent 25 years of his life with a poverty mentality. In 1987, Saturn and the Moon conjoined on May 5. That was the year that Enron lost $100 million, but did not report it. The most exact aspect in Lay's natal chart is Neptune contraparallel the Ascendant, which gives a love for the arts but can produce a slippery character. In 1987, Kenneth Lay had these nested aspects:
1987/01/10 Tr-Nep(4) D OPP Mid(10) @ 06Can03 Nebulous
1987/02/08 TrP-Ura(3) D OPP Mer(9) Progressed Eccentricity
1987/05/01 A2-Jup(10) D SQR Sun(7) @ 25Ari20 Accomplishment
1987/05/05 TrP-Sat(3) R CJN Moo(3) Progressed Inheritance
1987/05/24 TrP-Ura(3) R OPP Mer(9) Progressed Eccentricity
1987/07/20 TrP-Ura(3) R CJN Moo(3) Progressed Dramatization
1987/07/21 Tr-Nep(3) R OPP Mid(10) @ 06Can03 Nebulous
1987/10/11 Tr-Nep(3) D SQR Asc(1) @ 05Lib24 Impressionable
1987/10/17 P-Moo(3) D SQR Nep(12) Progressed Delusion
1987/11/02 P-Moo(3) D SQR Nep(12) @ 27Vir48 Delusion
1987/11/11 Tr-Nep(3) D OPP Mid(10) @ 06Can03 Nebulous
1987/11/27 TrP-Ura(3) D OPP Mer(9) Progressed Eccentricity
1987/12/16 Tr-Sat(3) D OPP Mar(9) @ 23Gem43 Sickness
1987/12/18 P-Jup(9) D SQR Nep(12) @ 27Vir48 Visitation
1987/12/22 TrP-Ura(3) D SQR Nep(12) Progressed Occultism
1987/12/30 PD-Nep TRI Mer @ 20Ari24 Converse IntrusionThe astrologer should look to see if there is an ongoing relationship between transiting Saturn and the progressed Moon in a client's chart. It does not have to be a conjunction - it could also be a square or an opposition. A term for this phenomenon is 'Saturn hunting the Moon'.
Alongside the on-screen results grid showing three columns for DATE, ASPECT, and KEYWORD, there appears a separate grid with just one column for EVENT. At More Chart Data, Life History, I recorded 110 events for Arthur M. Young's life in the famousp.cht file that comes with AstrolDeluxe Platinum. Try selecting his chart and calculating Nested Time for any year up to his 1995 death. Since both grids are in date order, it is very easy to compare the two lists and see what planetary influences coincided with what events. For example, in 1941 you can see that transiting Saturn squared his natal Saturn on November 3 and he signed the contract with Bell Helicopter on November 1. The most important thing to be aware of when adding Life History events to a selected chart is that when finished you need to re-save the chart. If you are at the Natal Information screen, it works to click on the Save Only button.
The program's behavior is slightly different between 1) printing the Nested Time screen and 2) either saving it to a text file or to the Windows Clipboard. When you print the screen, only those Events for the year in question, if any, will appear on a separate page. If you select File, Save Screen as Text File, or Edit, Copy Text Report to Clipboard, all of the available events, regardless of Year, will be listed after that Year's aspects. So if you desire a complete record of your entries for a person's history, this is one way to get them all.
Version 10.1 adds to the Display menu, Vocational Potentials Ranking, showing the potentials with which the person was born for 108 different categories, divided between vocational and personal. The rankings are based on aspect frequencies found within 108 chart collections. Version 10.1 can now generate a ranked list of potentials for 108 vocational and personal categories for any person's chart. There are 1530 possible aspects for each chart. I mass processed each of the 108 chart collections to find its frequencies for each of the 1530 possible astrological aspects, both zodiacal and declinational. The size of each chart collection ranges from the Lawyers_noted_m collection with 4682 unknown birth time charts to the Depression_f collection with 150 timed charts. The average per collection is 1100 charts. The statistical frequencies are subject to random noise, but the ratio of astrological signal to noise improves as a collection becomes larger.
The problem with the large collection of unknown birth time Lawyers is that charts with no aspects to the chart angles can only compete in strength when you are displaying an unknown birth time chart. As a result, the program only uses the smaller collection of 726 timed charts for Lawyers if you are displaying a known birth time chart.
The program selects from male and female chart collections based on the gender of the person. If you wanted to see all 108 categories, you could select Neutral gender back at the Natal Information screen. There are more vocational categories for males than there are for females, because there were not enough females to make a separate collection for many vocations. For example, of the 434 architects in the AstroDataBank, only 23 were female. But if you are female and you want to see if you have the aspects that produced high numbers for a vocation in the charts of males, then by temporarily selecting Neutral for your chart and calculating it, you can display all of the Vocational Potential Rankings. What I have found, however, is that especially when the Sun and Moon are part of the aspect, the male and female categories can have quite different statistical frequencies.
The average person has about 70 aspects, so the program adds together the category frequencies from all 70 aspects in order to get a sum total for that category. If you single-click on a category name, then the name of the strongest aspect contributing to that category ranking will briefly pop up, and if you double-click then you will see the three strongest contributing aspects.
For the purpose of creating a category signature, the researcher must avoid processing such a large collection of charts that it becomes unfocused. I experienced this problem with a 4574 chart collection of male writers and a 2606 collection of business males. Unlike their female counterparts, the resulting collection signatures were so diffuse as to be worthless, as useful as trying to create a distinctive signature for all people who use scissors. One must also be careful that one does not inadvertently select for a trait other than what is intended. For example, selecting nothing but the most famous singers can create an aspect signature oriented more to the famous than to singers. Or, selecting nothing but male opera singers can produce a domineering type of man signature. The problem with having a chart collection that is too small, under 250 charts, is that presence of the few aspects found in that collection can tilt the category too high.
It is possible to search the famousp.cht file or your own charts.cht file for charts that have a particular one of the 108 categories either ranked in the top ten, the top one, the bottom one, or the bottom ten. At Options, Research Charts, searching By Vocation is on the Search Two tab. If you only want to search for males or females, you can preselect just male or female chart records at Search Two, Text. If you are trying to find astrological category twins for a person by searching for famous people who have the same top-most or bottom-most categories, you may find the first search to be time-consuming. It will save time on successive searches of the results to save that results list with the File1 menu choice at Research Charts to Save Charts to File. Then at File, Open Charts File, you can open and start with that already narrowed list.
For example, the top-most category for Joe Biden is Marketing. A search for Marketing as the Top One category among famous males produces 57 matches, which I saved to a file arbitrarily named mktg_m_1.cht. Searches of that file for Joe Biden's other top categories in the Top Ten, such as Chef and Writer_m, produce King Edward VII as a match. Edward VII, also called Bertie, was the oldest son of the long-lived Queen Victoria. He was past his prime when he finally became king in 1901. Edward had great social and relationship skills, but "he found learning difficult and was unable to concentrate." Before becoming king, Bertie was known as a card cheat and a playboy. His final years saw a constitutional crisis that was not resolved until the 1911 Parliament Act, after his death.
Version 10.1.7 fixed a problem that could occur when the Regional settings in Windows, such as for the Spanish language, could put a comma instead of a period as the decimal separator. Could cause a Stop statement to be encountered when calculating moving aspects.
Version 10.1.7 fixed another problem that could make Vocational Search results from Research Charts unreliable. Searches must read the planet longitudes and declinations from each chart record, but when sort declinations was turned off at Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences, the declinations were not being read, even though they are always used for vocational rankings. This led the program to always use the last filled but static values for planet declinations for all charts being searched, where those declination values could have come from the most recently displayed chart. Fixed to always read the saved declinations from each chart record when doing a vocational search, regardless of what is set at Miscellaneous Preferences.
Version 10.1.7 also marks an update to the atlas time tables. For example, the time tables for Israel now extend to 2025.
Version 10.1.8 improves the eclipse table calculations so that the included solar and lunar eclipses always agree with other sources, such as the list in the Tables of Planetary Phenomena by Neil F. Michelsen, neither missing nor adding eclipses. The added lunar eclipses are usually penumbral eclipses that other sources say will be invisible to the eye but which they include for the sake of completeness.
Version 10.1.9 addresses two weaknesses with doing Edit and Rotate after creating a progressed biwheel. After one used the Rotate form to change the date for the biwheel, that new date was not being reflected in the 2nd chart ID at Display, Synastry. Also, after changing the date, if one clicked to Cancel, or even just OK, the saved biwheel house cusps could be wrong when one redisplayed the chart.
Version 10.1.9 fixed a problem getting Time Search aspect dates for Chiron and the other asteroids.
In-between version 10.1 and version 10.2, John researched and wrote 149 Uranus aspect interpretations for males and 149 Uranus aspect interpretations for females, which were then pasted into version 3 of the In The Beginning natal report database. Discovered that In The Beginning, which is built upon the report structure provided by Spirit Success, was missing all except the conjunction aspects to the Ascendant and Midheaven, so I copied into it from Personal Path a total of 70 additional interpretations for all the aspects from Sun to Saturn to the Ascendant and Midheaven.
The $100 Personal Path consists of 758 unisex interpretation records. In The Beginning reports are more complete because each of the separate male and female databases are able to draw upon 1441 interpretation records, based upon new research conducted over the last seven years into Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Moon's Nodes, Chiron, the Black Moon Lilith, the East Point, the 45-degree and 135-degree aspects, and all the declination parallel and contraparallel natal aspects.
See the sample Elon Musk In The Beginning report in American English spelling.
Here is a sample female In The Beginning report for Queen Elizabeth II in British English spelling.
Version 10.2.1 added a 360-degree graph of the angle between the two selected planets for the loaded charts to Options, Research Charts at Search Two, By Aspect when one scrolls the middle listbox that normally has the aspect all the way down in the list to a new last item, Angles Graph 360. This is in addition to the previous Angles Graph, which is a 180-degree graph. The 180-degree graph follows normal astrological practice in combining 60-degree angles with 300-degree angles, not distinguishing if the resulting sextile aspects are waxing or waning. When using Angles Graph 360, you should select the slower of the two planets in the first planet listbox and the faster of the two planets in the second planet listbox, such as Jupiter and Mercury, in order to see whether the angle is waxing (less than 180) or waning (more than 180).
Version 10.2.1 added a choice for Declination Distance Graph below the Angles Graph 360 choice. For the selected two planets, this graph shows how many charts have a particular declination distance between them. The x-axis goes from +90 to -90. The declination distance between two planets on the same side of the equator, either North or South, counts as positive on the graph. The total declination distance between two planets on opposite sides of the equator can be greater and counts as negative on the graph. Normally the Moon and Pluto are capable of the greatest declinations and the total difference between them can be as much as 51 degrees. The highly eccentic outer planet Eris is a wild card, having as much as 65 degrees of declination around the time of the Declaration of Independence.
Version 10.2.1 adds Planet Dyad Phases to Display, Chart Analysis. This addition appears in between the Critical Degrees and the Moon Phase. The five selected planetary dyads, which are in addition to the Sun/Moon dyad, and which are interpreted in the Cosmopsychology: The Engine of Destiny book by Marc Robertson (available from the American Federation of Astrologers), are:
Uranus/SaturnThe possible phases are:
New-Crescent Cusp
Crescent-First Quarter Cusp
First Quarter
First Quarter-Gibbous Cusp
Gibbous-Full Cusp
Waning-Disseminating Cusp
Disseminating-Last Quarter Cusp
Last Quarter
Last Quarter-Balsamic Cusp
Balsamic-New CuspMarc Robertson was an advanced astrology teacher from the same humanistic school of astrology as Michael R. Meyer, on whose handbook the Chart Analysis page was originally based. Both were inspired by Dane Rudhyar, who pioneered the Lunation Cycle.
Robertson thinks of the planets as being in RELATIONSHIP CYCLES that have the same phases as the Lunation Cycle between the Moon and the Sun. The faster of the two planets in the pair is like the Moon which moves relative to the slower of the two planets. On page 32, Robertson discusses the cycle between the pair, and says that their mutual planetary aspects are structured by the cycle, and their MEANING and PURPOSE are determined WITHIN the cycle. In a section entitled "We have a purpose," Robertson writes that the sky pattern that was overhead when you took your first breath defines the role that you were meant to live out on your journey, the special purpose and unique individual function that you were meant to perform. On page 4, he says that when he looks at a client's birth chart, "I want to help him become more himself than it has been possible, so far, to be."
I discovered the late Marc Robertson when I created the Portal to Astrologers' Memorial at
Version 10.2 fixes a problem that was reporting two planets with opposite North and South declinations that are both near the equator as being parallel. An example is artist Frank Frazetta with Jupiter at 00 N 18 and Uranus at 00 S 14. The fix means that these planets will now be reported as being contraparallel.
The AstrolDeluxe Help manual describes a Comparison Report Order Command that appears to have been present since version 6.3 called DoDeclinationAspects, described as follows: "This command prints the delineations for all of the synastry declination aspects sorted in order of orb width, from close to wide. You must have entered delineations for the parallel and contraparallel declination aspects in the Edit Interpretations program."
No one has ever created declination synastry interpretations. However, I realized that it was programmatically possible to interpret declination parallel and contraparallel aspects between two people's charts just by using and renaming the StarMatch zodiacal conjunction and opposition interpretations.
So version 10.2 improves the command DoDeclinationAspects so that if the program does not find the parallel or contraparallel search string in the interpretation file, it searches instead for the conjunction and opposition aspects whose interpretations are then presented as being for the parallel and contraparallel declination synastry aspects.
I debugged the DoDeclinationAspects command and created a compatibility report template called "Declination Only" that implements this command. When you have a biwheel on the screen from having compared one chart to another, you click on Interpret, Report Options and using the Report Template listbox at the upper middle you select Declination Only. If you do not see Declination Only in the listbox, select File and Restore Default Templates. So with Declination Only then selected you close Report Options and click on Interpret, Create Report. The pop-up form should show at the bottom "Using template: Declination Only. " At the top, the pop-up form should say "Found interpretations: StarMatch, " which is the smpro1.hsm file. To illustrate the new report, here are the opening two paragraphs for Sean Penn and Madonna Ciccone:
Mutual Declination AspectsSean's Pluto parallel Madonna's Midheaven (Orb: 0° 08' )
You have mutual interests and concerns regarding the state of society and could join forces to bring about needed reforms. Sean can influence Madonna's career advancement for the better by encouraging Madonna to be more powerful professionally. In turn, Sean will benefit from Madonna's material success.
Sean's Venus contraparallel Madonna's Jupiter (Orb: 0° 12' )
You enjoy each other's company and have many interests in common. You encourage optimism, self-confidence and good health in each other and are mutually generous and sympathetic. The relationship could help you both grow artistically and/or spiritually. You are true friends in times of need and can work together to your mutual benefit.
>The complete sample report is at:
There is also a sample report for Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe at:https://www.halloran.com/MMonroe.pdf
So the interpretations are good and this alternate way of examining synastry between two people becomes available to anyone who has version 10.2 and the $100 StarMatch interpretations. It turns out that my wife and I have a mutual declination aspect that is exact to the minute and which makes our relationship appear fated, so this technique should be investigated for all couples.
Version 10.2 adds a section for LOCATION PARALLAX EFFECTS to the end of the Moon section at Display, Chart Analysis. This has 3 entries, for Topocentric Moon Right Ascension, Topocentric Moon Longitude, and Topocentric Moon Declination. Normally, astronomers and astrologers work with geocentric positions, where the celestial object is so far away that there is almost no parallax effect from the difference between the center of the earth and the observer's location on the sphere of the earth. The topocentric positions for the Moon, however, can be somewhat different from their geocentric positions. There is also a very slight effect from the location's elevation, where the program uses a consistent value of 200 meters above sea level.
Parallax effects can be confirmed by looking at visibility paths for eclipses. A total solar eclipse will cross Mexico and the United States on April 8, 2024. It will be exact at 1:20:55 pm, Central Daylight Time, at the location of Nazas, Mexico, which is 25N17 and 104W08. It will cross Waco, Texas at 1:38:02 pm, Central Daylight Time. If you calculate for either of those times and places and look at the Table for Primary Directions you can see that the geocentric right ascension and declination for the Moon do not match those of the Sun, but the Topocentric Moon values shown in Chart Analysis will match, thereby enabling the Moon to physically obscure the Sun.
If you are doing precise work with the Moon, it may help you to know if there is a difference for your chart between the Moon's geocentric and topocentric positions.
Version 10.2.2 extended a strength reduction for an unknown birth time Moon that version 9.1 added for zodiacal aspects to declination aspects. This was particularly apparent in the unknown birth time chart for FTX investor Sam Bankman-Fried, in which the Moon was only closely parallel to Jupiter when the planets were calculated for a time of noon. You can read about this strength reduction for an unknown time Moon in the final paragraph of the Help for Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences.
Version 10.2.3 fixed a bug that was preventing the Ascendant and Midheaven from displaying at the bottom of the Classic Placidus Table for Primary Directions, unless the user had a checkmark in the Include column for East Point and Black Moon Lilith - it was a program bug that was connecting these to the Ascendant and Midheaven display for the speculum table.
Version 10.2.4 added the East Point, Vertex, and Part of Fortune to the Moving Graphic Ephemeris for progressions and progressed declinations. Just as with the progressed Ascendant and Midheaven, there are no checkboxes on the Graphic Ephemeris form. Lines for the progressed East Point, Vertex, and Part of Fortune will appear, however, as long as their Include box is checked at Customization, Planets.
Version 10.3 adds a list of the selected chart's Planetary Containments to the Options menu of the Natal Information screen. The list of containments includes the Ascendant and Midheaven, when the birth time is known, and each of the ten planets from the Sun to Pluto. A planetary containment is a sequence of three planets that were adjacent in the zodiac when a person was born. This ancient technique was rediscovered by the French astrologer Alexandre Volguine in his 1974 book Les Significations des Encadrements dans l'Horoscope. The technique detects which two planets enclose or frame a target point irrespective of their distance or asymmetry. After studying more than 6000 charts during 25 years, Volguine concluded that the framings of the Ascendant and Midheaven were so decisive for personality and career that planetary containments allow birth time accuracy to be assessed at a glance. Containments are one of the chief factors to examine when a choice is required between two versions of a chart. To interpret the planetary containments for the Ascendant, Midheaven, and ten planets, version 10.3 adds about 900 interpretations, used with permission from the 1980 Planetary Containments book by John Sandbach and Ronn Ballard. Their polished interpretations reflect good understandings of the planetary natures. After examining the Planetary Containments grid for a chart, click on Interpret, Create Report to get the person's three-page interpretation report. You can print this report by itself, to a printer or pdf file, or you can save the short report in order to copy and append its contents to a longer natal report.
The provided containment interpretation summaries will get you started thinking about and using planetary containments. The Planetary Containments book provides longer discussions of each, including negative possibilities, before it gives these short summaries. I do not believe in making negative predictions from astrological factors on account of the potential for setting a self-fulfilling prophecy in motion. An astrologer in Massachusetts, Dave Monroe, tells me, "I pick and choose and modify from the long versions in order to fit the context of the person's life and chart. I like Planetary Containments more than Ebertin's midpoints, but they require work to use them." Dave tells me that he finds the three-planet containment interpretations helpful for interpreting Yod aspect patterns as well as for planet to midpoint aspects.
900 interpreted Planetary Containments
Version 10.3 adds a new button, Sort by Exactness, underneath the following lists:
Midpoint/Planet Aspects
Arabic Part/Planet Aspects
Sensitive Point/Planet Aspects
Asteroid/Planet Aspects
Asteroid Aspects
Planet/MidPoint Synastry
Planet/Arabic Part Synastry
Planet/Sensitive Point Synastry
Planet/Asteroid Synastry
Asteroid/Planet Synastry
Asteroid/Asteroid SynastryAll of the above lists can produce a large number of aspects - to the point of being overwhelming. Sort by Exactness helps the astrologer to manage so much information. Until I created this feature, I did not know that I had Ascendant exactly conjunct the Mercury/Chiron midpoint. AstrolDeluxe program users will appreciate the ability to put the closest and most exact aspects at the top of these lists.
The Help for AstrolDeluxe says,
"6. midpoint to planet aspects, or sensitive point to planet aspects, either within a single chart or when comparing two charts - the default is to assign one degree orbs to the 0, 180, 90, 45, 135, and 22.5 angle aspects;"
If users do not want the 22.5 degree semi-octile aspect (SOK), they can go to Customization, Aspect Orbs and select Midpoints and change this orb from 1 to 0. The Arabic Parts and the Asteroids have their own aspect orb settings, both of which start out with Default orbs of one degree for the 0, 180, 120, and 90 degree aspects.
Sort by Exactness button added to eleven types of aspect displays
Version 10.3 creates a new category on the Display menu called Alternate Coordinate Charts, with three choices, Prime Vertical Chart, Local Space Chart, and Equatorial Chart. The program has included the Prime Vertical Chart since version 5 and the Local Space Chart, also known as a Horizon coordinate system chart, since version 8.4. The Equatorial Chart, based on right ascension coordinates, is new with version 10.3. Right ascension positions have been the bailiwick of astronomers and have been expressed in hours and minutes because telescopes fitted with an equatorial mount could be easily pointed at a star whose R.A. and declination were known and then set to follow the star via a motorized clock. 24-hour notation does not, however, help the astrologer to recognize aspects in the equatorial coordinate system. Since astrologers are trained to recognize aspects by zodiacal measure, expressing the RAs in zodiacal format (not zodiacal longitude) in a wheel makes that recognition much easier. The aspects shown to you by the Aspects List for the Equatorial Chart are according to the celestial equator, not the ecliptic. What is also interesting is that the Equatorial Chart uses the Equatorial Ascendant or East Point for the First House cusp, and the Ascendant in right ascension for the birth latitude appears next to the letter A. It is not necessary to show a midheaven separate from the tenth house cusp. The reason is that, unlike the Ascendant, the Midheaven does not vary with geographic latitude and is always ninety degrees from the Equatorial Ascendant, when measured in equatorial Right Ascension coordinates. The cusp of each Equatorial house is in 30-degree multiples from both the Equatorial Ascendant and Midheaven.
Version 10.3.1 deals with the problem of the LifeTrends transits report saying for Pluto oppose Pluto, which now regularly occurs in a person's eighties, "This transit will not occur in a person's normal life span." The program will now replace that statement with: "This transit relates to the structure upon which you depend in your retirement years. You may wish to seek out a new environment that caters better to your needs. If an upset forces you to change, do not be surprised to discover that you have negotiated an improved situation."
Version 10.3.2 replaces the TABLE2.DAT file with TABLE3.DAT. I discovered that when creating the collection of charts that make up the male dancers file, that I relied on keywords such as "dance" and "ballet" to expand the collection without checking to see whose biography might have mentioned marrying a dancer or composing music for ballet. Deleting such people reduced the file size from 619 charts to 372 charts. This change will correct the rankings in the Vocational Rankings list.
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Copyright © 2016-2024 Halloran Software, Los Angeles, California
Last modified on February 12, 2024.