










Astrology of Mathematicians

Previously we looked at the relationships or connections among 108 vocational and personal categories of charts. That page explains the methodology that was used to judge how congruent are the aspect frequencies of the different categories. Mathematician is one of those 108 categories. The categories that were found to be most congruent with Mathematician are:

Physicist 0.4160256
Architect_m 0.3871795
Perfectionist 0.3858974
Adventurer 0.3807692

In addition to that methodology, AstrolDeluxe has the ability to search chart collections to find all the charts that have a category such as Mathematician ranked by the program either in the top ten or in the top one. Based upon their congruence of aspects, searching for Mathematician in the collections of 455 Physicists, 398 Architects, 343 Perfectionists, and 431 Adventurers should yield a high number of hits.

Searching first of all the collection of 413 Mathematicians finds that AstrolDeluxe puts the category of Mathematician in the top ten for 60% of those actual mathematician birth charts, based just upon each chart's aspects. A person's birth chart usually has between 70 to 80 aspects, out of a possible set of 1530 aspects. This type of astrology is not like saying that because someone was born with the single factor of Sun in Virgo that they are destined to become a bookkeeper. The frequency of actual occurrence for Mathematicians, as well as for 107 other people categories, both vocational and personal, has been recorded for all 1530 aspects. The precise rankings, whether low, intermediate, or high, found for a person's 70 to 80 aspects are summed for all categories to arrive at a person's category ranking list. Searching the chart collection of 455 Physicists finds that 22% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten. Searching the collection of 1619 male Scientists finds that 17% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten. Searching the collection of 431 Adventurers and Explorers finds that 15% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten. Searching the collection of 343 Perfectionists finds that 13% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten. Searching the collection of 398 Architects finds that 11% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten.

Top ten search results of Mathematicians collection Top ten search results of male Scientists collection

Searching the collection of 190 female Scientists finds that 11% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten. Searching the collection of 1330 Musicians finds that 11% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten. Searching the collection of 3140 Actresses finds that only 10% of those charts are likely to have Mathematician ranked in the top ten.

Top ten search results of female Scientists collection Top ten search results of Musicians collection Top ten search results of Actresses collection

Here is a list of historical figures whose astrology charts group them with other mathematicians. Most of the figures on this list are pure mathematicians, as opposed to applied mathematicians, such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, or Galileo Galilei.

Ada Byron Lovelace
Alan Turing
Albert Einstein
Bernhard Riemann
Blaise Pascal
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Charles P. Steinmetz
Christiaan Huygens
Galileo Galilei
George Boole
Gottfried Leibniz
Henri Poincaré
Isaac Newton
Johannes Kepler
John Nash
Joseph Fourier
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonhard Euler
Lewis Carroll
René Descartes
Srinivasa Ramanujan
William Hamilton

If a materialistic worldview does not allow you to understand how astrology could function as an intermediary to cause this grouping, then read my essay on Intellectual Astrology. However, as quoted on page 208 of Simon Singh's book, Fermat's Enigma, some mathematicians are open to turning to the mysterious realm of the subconscious in order to solve difficult problems ["the subconscious appears to take over"]. A mystic would refer to this as the superconscious. One cannot overgeneralize this quote from Andrew Wiles, however, as Wiles is one of a small mathematical subset, that includes Terence Tao and Giuseppe Vitali, whose charts actually group them together with psychics.

Certain aspects that frequently occur in the charts of mathematicians tend to contribute to achieving a high ranking in the Mathematician category. AstrolDeluxe will show the top contributing aspect if one clicks on Mathematician in a person's vocational ranking list. I clicked to see that aspect for the 73 top-ranking individuals from the collection of 413 mathematicians. There is an impressive variety of aspects, most of which involve an outer planet. Frequently seen aspects include Mars trine Pluto (e.g., Gauss) and Neptune parallel Midheaven (e.g., da Vinci). For Mars trine Pluto, categories that come in a close second to Mathematician are people who have had Spiritual Experiences and men devoted to Religion. For Neptune parallel Midheaven, the strong second is the personal category of Creative. Leonardo da Vinci's 1.31 ranking for Creative is much lower than his 1.63 ranking for Mathematician, which demonstrates the cumulative nature of these scores. Gauss has Mathematician at 1.07, Spiritual_xp at 0.92, and Religious_m at 0.82. People with unknown birth times always have lower scores. The only two top aspects involving inner planets are Moon square Mars (Bouligand) and Venus square Mars (Rösch), but those aspects are supplemented in the charts by additional Uranus and Neptune aspects.

Here are the frequencies of the planets in the top aspects for the 73 top-ranked mathematicians.
Sun: 6;
Moon: 6;
Mercury: 11;
Venus: 6;
Mars: 12;
Jupiter: 8;
Saturn: 17;
Chiron: 8;
Uranus: 6;
Neptune: 16;
Pluto: 12;
Ascendant: 1;
East Point: 4;
Midheaven: 15;
Moon's North Node: 11;
Black Moon: 7.

If you see a pattern here, it is that people with strong planets and chart points that traditionally make a person self-oriented, pleasure-loving, and social are less likely to become mathematicians, whereas people with strongly aspected planets that involve thinking, scheming, knowing, dreaming, and the larger community are more likely to become mathematicians. This is big data research, but using astrological variables that are not part of the world of materialistic cause and effect. People's inner tendencies are probabilistic, not deterministic. This is inductive research in that until you process the data, you do not know what you will find. The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are sometimes called the Transcendental Planets. When a person is channeling those energies, the person wants more than just to meet basic needs - the person yearns to live in a larger world of transcendent connections, such as pure mathematics can provide.

Astro-Ranking the Category Potentials of Men in History

Astro-Ranking the Category Potentials of Women in History

Category Frequencies Study Document for Mercury conjunct Moon's North Node

Researching Connections Among Vocational and Personal Categories

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Copyright © 2021 Halloran Software, Los Angeles, California
Last modified on November 11, 2021.
