










Neptune Cycles

Neptune will soon start a new cycle, just as Uranus started a new cycle by entering Aries first in 2010 and for the last time in 2011. Neptune will start its new cycle when it enters Aries on March 30, 2025, and enters Aries for keeps on January 26, 2026.

Neptune last entered Aries right at the start of the Civil War, as detailed below.

In an earlier article, I discussed how because Uranus is the planet of astrology that astrology reinvents itself every 84 years, each time Uranus enters Aries. This discussion is at the Portal to Astrologers' Memorial that is indexed under Astro Articles at my web site. The rise of Artificial Intelligence appears to be part of this new Uranus cycle. Yearly graphs of interest in AI generally start with 2010, corresponding to when Uranus entered Aries. The common denominator between AI and the new understanding of astrology is big data. Big data in the form of all the charts collected by AstroDatabank have been informing my astrological research since around 2014 when I started with the Chiron aspect interpretations.

The outer planets beyond Saturn work to liberate us from the oppressive rule and limitations of Saturn. Neptune has an unworldly nature that is the complete opposite of the worldly and controlling planet Saturn. Neptune rules different areas, such as music, mathematics, entertainment, petroleum, chemicals, drugs, alcohol, addiction, crime, photography, film industry, idealism, communism, socialism, politics, psychic awareness, and vegetarianism.

I looked at four previous Neptune cycles. Neptune entered Aries in 1371, 1534, 1698, and 1861. The year 1371 corresponds to the first mention of playing cards - where refinement of the block printing needed to produce those standardized cards led to Gutenberg and book printing 80 years later. The year 1534 corresponds to England seceding from the domineering Roman Catholic Church, all because Pope Clement VII refused to grant a marriage annulment to King Henry VIII, where the year 1534 marks the beginning of the English Reformation. The year 1698 corresponds to the founding of the SPCK Christian missionary group dedicated to combating vice and immorality, prison reform, caring for widows and orphans, educating slaves on plantations, and building libraries and charity schools. Parallel to this effort to spread Christian ideals, however, the Trade with Africa Act went into effect, opening the slave trade to British merchants, and the number of Africans brought to English overseas possessions began to increase dramatically. Neptune last entered Aries on April 14, 1861. The American Civil War started on April 12, 1861.

The Neptune cycle that started in 1861 involved dismantling the system by which a class of humans were controlled by slave-masters. Neptune did not approve of that system. The new Neptune cycle that starts in 2025 will not be about liberating blacks. The black liberation cycle has gone as far as it can possibly go. Focusing so strongly on enfranchisement and equality has allowed new masters and controllers to surreptitiously take control of our lives.

Who are the slave-masters now? Who might have crept in during the final days of the previous cycle, while attention was focused elsewhere? Could it be the addictive junk food industry? A month ago, Wikipedia added an entry for Health effects of ultra-processed foods. I quote, "Consuming ultra-processed foods has serious negative health effects on human health. They are a leading cause of preventable chronic illnesses and premature death globally. For example, about 678,000 Americans die each year from chronic food illnesses, a toll higher than all combat deaths in American history combined. Consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with a significantly higher risk of obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, diets high in these foods can increase the risk of all-cause mortality by 29%."

There is a recent scholarly article: US tobacco companies selectively disseminated hyper-palatable foods into the US food system: Empirical evidence and current implications, Tera L. Fazzino | Daiil Jun | Lynn Chollet-Hinton | Kayla Bjorlie, Addiction, 2024

It says, "This study found that US tobacco companies appear to have selectively disseminated fat and sodium hyper-palatable foods and carbohydrate and sodium hyper-palatable foods products into the US food system between 1988 and 2001, and that these products have become highly prevalent in the US food environment today. There is growing scientific evidence regarding the addictive properties of hyper-palatable foods."

Wikipedia has articles on Hyperpalatable food (HPF), Ultra-processed food (UPF), and Chronic conditions. The Chronic conditions article concludes, "While risk factors vary with age and gender, many of the common chronic diseases in the US are caused by dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors." Exposure to pollutants, pesticides, and chemicals such as allergy-causing detergents can also put human health at risk.

This subject is now entering the national consciousness. The number 1 bestseller at Amazon over the Labor Day 2024 weekend is Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health, by Casey Means. Although the book is temporarily out of stock, her 2020 letter to a journal editor can be downloaded -
Means, Casey. "Mechanisms of increased morbidity and mortality of SARS-CoV-2 infection in individuals with diabetes: what this means for an effective management strategy." Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental 108 (2020). In this letter, Casey argues that "our war against SARS-CoV-2 must soon shift to focus on supporting Americans in getting to a healthy weight, improving glycemic control, and restoring insulin sensitivity." She says, "it is clear that a piecemeal pharmaceutical approach is misguided; foundationally improving metabolic health is key to resilience against this pandemic and those we will inevitably face in the future."

The pharmaceutical industry did not cause chronic illnesses but through their advertising they encourage a prescription-oriented piecemeal approach. The pharmaceutical industry is increasing at the rate of 100 billion dollars a year and in 2023 the global market was estimated at around 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars. The US and New Zealand are the only two countries that allow drug manufacturers to market prescription drugs directly to the public, called Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising. Media outlets are pressured by the clout of pharmaceutical advertisers to avoid raising issues that would disrupt their profits.

"Prescription drug use in the United States has reached record levels, reaching 6.3 billion prescriptions - approximately 19 prescriptions for every American - filled in 2020 alone." Jessica Y. Ho, Life Course Patterns of Prescription Drug Use in the United States, Demography, 2023.

The people in Chile were dying from massive increases in sugar-sweetened beverages and obesity. "To combat these trends, Chile has implemented one of the most comprehensive set of obesity-preventive regulations to date in the world, including a sugary drink tax, a front-of-package warning label system, and restrictions on marketing and advertising of unhealthy foods and drinks." Global Food Research Program, UNC-Chapel Hill

Neptune came close to entering Aries, but went retrograde the week of July 3 at 29 Pisces 56. Neptune will enter Aries on March 30, 2025. As to what will happen then, I will just point out that the environmentalist candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has been calling public attention to these issues and has promised to work on them if Trump is elected. AstroDatabank has just announced a 5:32 PM birth time for him, which makes it possible to see that RFK Jr. has the following close East Point aspect, for which I wrote this interpretation about three months ago.

Jupiter parallel East Point You are someone who reaches out into the world and who has an impact. You can have a talent for entertaining a crowd as a public speaker. You might like to get out into nature and go on hikes. You can feel deeply the kinship between nature and the soul of humankind. It is interesting that few physicists, mathematicians, and scientists are born with this aspect. Your focus is not upon knowing, but upon being and experiencing. As far as being is concerned, frequent chart categories include perfectionist, honest, disciplined, and vegetarian. As far as experiencing is concerned, frequent categories include adventurer or explorer, animal lover, alcohol abuser, business entrepreneur, medical physician, visual artist, singer, and diplomat. You could monitor and enforce social norms as a critic, designer, or law enforcement officer. You can be rigorous in support of what you believe to be right. Creativity is not this aspect's strong suit. There is a good chance that you will live into your eighties.

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Last modified on September 1, 2024.
