Halloran Software SECURE Order Form for Report Samples

This offer of personalized reports is for existing customers who own AstrolDeluxe or Astrology for Windows. We will fill all orders by e-mailing pdf files that are compatible with Adobe Reader. Every report sample earns a $10 discount on that interpretation set. Feel free to browse the reports list before you fill in your information.   When you are finished, the Transmit button is at the end of this form.    Please answer the new Security Question, added in 2015, which is right before the Transmit button.

E-MAIL: halloran e-mail

  1. To order online (credit card orders): Just complete the order form and click the transmit button.
  2. To order online (Paypal orders): Where the form asks for your Name and E-Mail, complete the order form with your Paypal account e-mail address, indicate PayPal as the Payment Method, and click the transmit button. I will calculate the correct amount and send you a payment request from the PayPal website, for you to approve.
  3. To order by telephone (credit card orders): Call 1-800-SEA-GOAT (732-4628)
  4. Outside U.S. and Canada, call 1-818-901-1221
  5. To order by mail: Mail your order with your check/money order in US$ payable to Halloran Software or credit card info to:
    P.O. Box 75713
    Los Angeles, CA 90075
Please use the TAB key after each entry. DO NOT USE the "enter" key as this will prematurely activate the form.

Your Billing Address:
City: State/Province:
Country: Zip/Postal code:


Payment method:
Card Holder Name (your name as it appears on the card):
Expiration Date:
Card Number:
Security code:
Discover, Visa, and Mastercard numbers are always 16 digits. Spaces and dashes are okay.
Please verify that you entered all digits.
Please enter any personalized message that you would like to accompany your order below.


*Birth Name *Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

*Birth Time
 Indicate if the birth time is unknown. Please include AM or PM

*Birth City, County, State/Province  and Country

Information for Compatibility Report Only
(Fill out for the second person.) Birth Name Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Birth Time
Indicate if the birthtime is unknown. Please include AM or PM

Birth City, County, State/Province and Country

Solar Return

If you are ordering a solar return for the past/current year, put in the city you were in on your last birthday:


If you are ordering a solar return for the coming year, put in the city you will be in on your next birthday:

Available AstrolDeluxe Add-On Interpretation Reports

(to receive complete-length personalized report samples from AstrolDeluxe add-ons)

Interpretations Spelling: American English spelling British English spelling

NEW - request interpretation for your closest personal declination aspect - $5.00

Personal Path Reports - $100 professional natal interpretations set - approximately 30-page report - $25.00

Personal Path Reports in Spanish - approximately 30-page natal report in EspaƱol - $25.00

Classic British Astro Reports - $40 natal interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 40-page report - $25.00

Spirit Success Reports - $49 hobbyist natal interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 18-page report - $25.00

Kid Zone Reports - $100 version 1 child natal interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 45-page report - $20.00

Kid Zone with Sun/Moon Reports - $149 version 2 individualized child natal interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 50-page report - $25.00

Kid Zone Combo Reports - $249 version 3 sign and house synthesized child natal interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 50-page report - $30.00

Kid Zone Combo Limited Reports - sign and house synthesis only for the Sun through Saturn - approximately 8-page report - $15.00

Journey Careers Reports - $100 career analysis interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 35-page report - $25.00

Halloran Aspect Patterns Reports - $50 full delineations for 35 aspect patterns, including their focus and pattern planets, for the ReportWriter (7.1 or higher) - highly variable page-length report - $20.00

In The Beginning report - $449 advanced natal interpretations set for those who have AstrolDeluxe 10.2 - draws upon 1441 male and 1441 female delineations - approximately 19-page report for a known birthtime - $35.00

StarMatch Reports - $100 professional synastry compatibility interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 30-page report for known birth times, approx. 20-page report for unknown birth times - $25.00

Composite Couples Report - $100 professional composite compatibility interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 15-page report for known birth times, approx. 10-page report for unknown birth times - $25.00

LifeTrends Reports - $100 professional transits interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 25-page one-year report for transiting Mars through Pluto with Chiron - $25.00

Journey Returns Reports - $100 professional solar return forecast interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 40-page annual forecast report - $25.00

Journey Progressions Reports - $100 professional Secondary Progressions interpretations set for the ReportWriter - approximately 15-page two-year forecast report for progressed Moon through Pluto with progressed Ascendant and Midheaven - $25.00

Because there is no physical delivery, there is no tax or shipping charge.

SECURITY QUESTION: (What is 1 plus 4?)
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Copyright © 2010-2024 Halloran Software, Los Angeles, California
Last modified on January 29, 2024.
