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Version 10.3 and the 5th edition of In The Beginning are now shipping.

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(For computers running Windows)

Windows Astrology Software Programs

AstrolDeluxe Platinum, ver. 10.3, - for 32-bit/64-bit on one CD - Standard & advanced calculations, interpretation report printing, free $185 full PC Atlas - for all versions of Windows - $300.00

AstrolDeluxe Platinum, ver. 10.3, - for 32-bit/64-bit on one CD - Price for previous users of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter - $200.00

AstrolDeluxe Platinum, ver. 10.3, - for 32-bit/64-bit on one CD - Price for previous version 9 users of AstrolDeluxe Platinum - $85.00

AstrolDeluxe Platinum, ver. 10.3, - for 32-bit/64-bit on one CD - Price for previous version 10 users - $50.00

Scroll down for optional Interpretation Add-ons.

Astrology for Windows - register old version 1 or 2 shareware program already working on my computer (registration password only - no shipping or sales tax) - $26.50

Astrology for Windows, ver. 3.0, for 32-bit/64-bit - register the new version 3 shareware program (registration password only - no shipping or sales tax) - $45.00

Astrology for Windows, upgrade to version 3 - adds Yellow Book Atlas, natal and transits interpretation reports, aspect patterns, composite chart - $35.00

Personal Path Reports (in English) - modern natal interpretations set for Astrology for Windows 3 - $75.00

Personal Path Reports in Spanish - good-quality Spanish natal reports for Astrology for Windows 3 - $75.00

LifeTrends Reports - modern transits forecast interpretations set for Astrology for Windows 3 - $75.00

Self Search Pro for Windows, for 32-bit/64-bit - CD program for spiritual psychology analysis - $29.00

Biorhythms for Windows Pro for 32-bit/64-bit - professional biorhythms program for commercial use, register downloaded program - $59.00

Biorhythms for Windows Pro Upgrade - upgrade from $29 Biorhythms for Windows to 32-bit Biorhythms for Windows Pro program, register download - $35.00

Biorhythms for Windows Pro 32-bit Upgrade - upgrade from 16-bit to newer 32-bit Biorhythms for Windows Pro program, register download - $20.00

Astrodynes with Batch Processing program for 32-bit/64-bit on CD - (requires AstrolDeluxe or a registered copy of Astrology for Windows) - $59.00

Price for users of 16-bit Astrodynes for Windows or Astrodynes for DOS - $39.00

Halloran TrueType Font for Windows - eighty astrological glyphs in a complete Times Roman-like font for text reports and documents (these are included free with AstrolDeluxe Platinum) - $49.00

Halloran Font, upgrade to version 4 - adds Lilith, Eris, fifty-one asteroids, and quindecile aspect - $15.00

Famous Charts, version 10 - 5712 celebrities & historical figures (add-on to AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter - these are included free with AstrolDeluxe Platinum) - $59.00

Famous Charts, upgrade to version 10 - adds birth times for recent celebrities and historical figures - $25.00

AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, v. 8.7 - for 32-bit/64-bit on one CD - Full-featured calculations plus interpretation report printing with free $185 full PC Atlas for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/32-bit & 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11 - $169.00

Price for users of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, or 8.6 - $40.00

Price for users of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 7.0 or 7.1 - $75.00

Price for users of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, versions 3, 4, 5, 6 - $100.00 plus $5.00 each to put previous interpretation sets on personalized CD

Price for users of AstrolDeluxe for Windows, version 1 or 2 - $125.00

Price for users of AstrolDeluxe for DOS - $139.00

Upgrade price for registered users of the DOS or Windows shareware Astrology program - $149.00

Interpretation Add-ons section - Preferred Spelling: American English spelling British English spelling

Personal Path Reports - professional natal interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Price for users of Natal Professional for DOS - free

Personal Path Reports in Spanish - $100.00

Price for users of Personal Path Reports in English - $50.00

Classic British Astro Reports - natal interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $40.00

Spirit Success Reports - hobbyist natal interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $49.00

Price for users of Natal Profiles/Spirit Success Reports for DOS - free

Kid Zone Reports - Version 1 child natal interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Kid Zone with Sun/Moon Reports - Version 2 highly individualized child natal interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $149.00

Upgrade price for users of Kid Zone Reports - $50

Kid Zone Combo Reports - Version 3 sign/house combo child natal interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $249.00

Upgrade price for users of Kid Zone with Sun/Moon Reports - $100.00

Upgrade price for users of Kid Zone version 1 Reports - $150.00

Halloran Aspect Patterns Reports - full delineations for 35 aspect patterns, including their focus and pattern planets, for AstrolDeluxe (7.1 or higher) - $50.00

Halloran Chiron interpretations - professional Chiron interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $50.00

Separate male and female Moon's Node aspect interpretations - professional interpretations for AstrolDeluxe - $50.00

Separate male and female Black Moon Lilith interpretations - professional interpretations for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Separate male and female Minor Square aspect (45-degree and 135-degree) interpretations - professional interpretations for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Separate male and female Declination Parallels and Contraparallels interpretations - professional interpretations for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Bundle of separate male and female Halloran Minor Square Aspect, Black Moon Lilith, Moon's Node, and Declination aspect interpretations, plus Chiron interpretations - professional interpretations for AstrolDeluxe - $400.00 $329.00

In The Beginning version 5 reports - in-depth natal interpretations set - requires purchase of AstrolDeluxe version 10.1 or higher - $549.00

The price of In The Beginning can be reduced for the many customers who have already purchased any of the earlier male and female interpretations. Use the personalized message field above to ask me to look up your precursor purchases in your customer record and to respond with your reduced price.

In The Beginning version 5 upgrade for version 4 customers - in-depth natal interpretations set - $100.00

In The Beginning version 5 upgrade for version 3 customers - in-depth natal interpretations set - $149.00

In The Beginning version 5 upgrade for version 2 customers - in-depth natal interpretations set - $199.00

In The Beginning version 5 upgrade for version 1 customers - in-depth natal interpretations set - $249.00

In The Beginning version 5 upgrade for complete aspects bundle customers - in-depth natal interpretations set - $299.00

StarMatch Reports - professional synastry compatibility interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Price for users of StarMatch for DOS - $50

Composite Couples Report - professional composite relationship interpretations set for ReportWriter ver. 8.2+ - $100.00

LifeTrends Reports - professional transits interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Price for users of LifeTrends for DOS - $50

Journey Returns Reports - professional solar return forecast interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Journey Progressions Reports - professional Secondary Progressions interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Journey Careers Report - career analysis interpretations set for AstrolDeluxe - $100.00

Geo Names Atlas - three million world cities atlas (requires AstrolDeluxe ver. 7.1 or higher) - $100.00

Economy Bundle: AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter ver. 8.7, Spirit Success natal set, Halloran Font, Famous Charts - best calculation-only package - $215.00

Power Bundle: AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter ver. 8.7, Spirit Success natal set, Personal Path natal set, Halloran Aspect Patterns, Chiron natal interpretations, Halloran Font, Famous Charts - in-depth starter package - $375.00

Popular Bundle: AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter ver. 8.7 with Personal Path natal, StarMatch compatibility, LifeTrends transits, and Journey Returns solar return interpretation sets - reportwriting package with most popular in-depth interpretations - $495.00

Complete Money-Saving Bundle: AstrolDeluxe Platinum ver. 10.3 with Personal Path natal, Spirit Success natal, Journey Careers natal, KidZone ver. 3 Combo natal, StarMatch compatibility, Composite Couples compatibility, LifeTrends transits, Journey Progressions, and Journey Returns interpretation sets, Halloran Aspect Patterns natal, Chiron natal interpretations, Moon's Node aspect interpretations, Black Moon Lilith aspect interpretations, Minor Squares Aspect interpretations, Declination Aspect interpretations, In The Beginning natal report, Classic British Astro Report natal, Halloran TrueType Fonts, Famous Charts, and 71 Research chart collections - the complete Halloran astrology package, a $2040 value, only excludes the Geo Names Atlas, Astrodynes, how-to books, and Spanish natal interpretations - $2040.00 $1350.00

Web-enabled AstrolDeluxe Platinum, v. 9.2 - 32-bit on one CD - Windows Server version - automates the delivery of graphic charts and interpretation reports to web-site visitors - $1,000.00

The Full PC Atlas for Windows, ver. 2 - both U.S. and Int'l. software databases - $185.00 (note: this valuable atlas is bundled free with the $169 version 8.7 and the $300 version 10 of AstrolDeluxe)

Babylonia 1.3 - Babylonian astronomy/astrology program - $120.00

The Basics of the Babylonian Astronomy-Astrology - 60-page book with color photos, figures, tables and a map - $30.00

Placidus 5.1 - program for predictive astrology - does all types of primary direction calculations - $290.00

Price for users of Placidus, version 4.3 - $80.00

Placidus 7.0 - does all types of primary direction calculations - includes Porphyrius Magus module - $480.00

Price for users of Placidus, version 6 - $160.00

Price for users of Placidus, versions 5 - $210.00

Price for users of Placidus, versions 4 - $240.00

Price for users of Placidus, version 3 - $290.00

Porphyrius Magus ver. 2.0 - stand-alone program for ancient, medieval astrology calculations - $250.00

Price for users of Porphyrius Magus, version 1 - $120.00

The Primary Directions to the Angles (MC, IC, ASC & DESC) - 60-page book with figures and tables - $15.00

Interplanetary Placidean Primary Directions - 60-page book with figures and tables - $15.00

Primary Directions of Regiomontanus and W. Lilly - 60-page book with figures and tables - $15.00

Gauricus & Henry II - Medieval Astrological Prognosis - 56-page book with figures and tables - $30.00

Regiomontanus (1459): The Horoscope of Maximilian I - HARD cover book in Latin & translated English with comments + actual Manuscript, 168 pages, 52 figures - $56.00 + $12 postage

Lucas Gauricus (1532): Three Solar Revolutions and Annual Horoscopes for Ferdinand I (The Battle for Vienna) - HARD cover book in Latin & translated English with comments + actual Manuscript, 132 pages, 60 figures, 1 map - $56.00 + $12 postage


The American Atlas, Expanded 5th Edition - large softcover book - $39.95 $19.95

The International Atlas, Revised 3rd Edition - large hardcover book - $39.95 $19.95

Delineation with Astrodynes - book by Ken Stone - $12.00

How to Read Cosmodynes - book by Doris Chase Doane - $12.00

Between Astrologers & Clients - book by Bob Mulligan - $21.95 - out-of-stock

How to Start, Maintain, and Expand an Astrological Practice - book by OPA - $17.95

The Complete Guide to Establishing a Professional Astrological Practice - 27-page pamphlet by Peggy Larson and Chris Rogers - $4.95



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Copyright © 1996-2024 Halloran Software, Los Angeles, California
Last modified December 3, 2024.
