"Filter" Helps Build a Better Client Roster

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Contributor: Elbert Wade, PMAFA
Web Site Address: http://www.elbertwade.com 
Software Recipe Title: "Filter" Helps Build a Better Client Roster
Software Requirements: Halloran AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter 6.1
As a "seasoned" consultant astrologer I have long since grown weary of trying to work for those who want their "fortune" told.  On my web site I request potential clients send an email stating why they want their horoscope read.  If their email seems sincere and reasonable, they are invited to place an order and are directed to the on-site order form. Then the process begins. 
With such a "filter" technique you tend to avoid impulse buyers who may not understand the difference between Astrology and fortune-telling.  This aids with getting a better, more astrologically-savvy client who is much more likely to be satisfied initially, and to place future orders -- trends/updates, and generate you good referrals.
All calculations necessary for preparation are a snap using the fast, exceptionally-accurate and easy-to-use Halloran AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter 6.1 program. 
Copies of the client's "wheels" print-outs, and a hand-drawn horoscope--with colored aspect lines--are mailed to the client.  Other necessary contacts, such as setting the appointment, are done by email.  Then the (usually) long-distance real-time telephone consultation is recorded; tapes are mailed to the client.
A few days later a "thank-you" email is sent which also notes that the attachment is a complimentary, totally-objective "second opinion" horoscope reading which they can read and/or print.  Attached is a HTML file created using the "Spirit Success" program--included with AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter. (In my opinion, "Spirit Success" is an outstanding report.)
Usually a prompt reply is received expressing appreciation for such unexpected thoughtfulness. Clients tend to remember this gift when they need an update or want to order additional services, or to refer a new client.

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